Armed Conflicts
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In Odessa, young men are checked for military service - Ukrainians have banned men from 18 to 60 years old from leaving the country


In a video in the city of Odesa, Ukrainian officers are "chasing" young people on the street to check if they are deserters, which demonstrates that Kyiv also has a problem with high casualties.

As soon as a young man who has avoided reporting for enlistment is found, he is taken in vehicles to the training center, since the situation on the battlefields is heartbreaking, not only for the Ukrainians, but also for the Russians.



Legislative decree banning all men aged 18-60 from leaving Ukraine

A law was passed in Ukraine, according to which there are now restrictions on the departure of men abroad. All conscript men between the ages of 18 and 60 are prohibited from leaving Ukraine's borders. However, there are some exceptions.

Therefore, according to Ukrainian media (Fakty ICTV):

Rules for crossing the Ukrainian border during martial law

According to the lawyer of the company Ario Nadia Hryshchenko, the conditions and rules for the border crossing of conscripts are defined in the legislation Basically, these special conditions are provided for those who accompany disabled people abroad, their parents or the parents of the spouse (spouse) concerning disabled people of group I or II, or are guardians of disabled people and accompany them.

This refers to the main points 21 and 22 of the Rules on the crossing of the state border by citizens of Ukraine, where a complete list of people who can accompany men and in what situation is determined," says the lawyer.

The expert adds that there are also some peculiarities regarding the independent crossing of the border by men. "Yes, male citizens of Ukraine between the ages of 18 and 60 can travel outside of Ukraine for persons with disabilities, children with disabilities, persons in need of constant care, children specified in paragraph 22 of these Rules.

Crossing the border is carried out on the basis of a certificate of residence of the aforementioned categories of persons with a consular register in a foreign state.

In addition to such a certificate, it is necessary to have a package of documents (their notarized copies), which the person would take with him in case he accompanies the specified persons, says the lawyer.

Even if the figures are inflated, the losses of Ukrainian and Russian soldiers can only be described as shocking. Figures like 100,000 are unrealistic, but it is estimated that upwards of 40-50 thousand are dead, while the wounded and disabled will approach a large number for sure.

The war in Ukraine is a conflict of attrition, as many experts say. So far there is no decisive victory on the battlefield and casualties are mounting on both sides with the mercenaries now dominating the battlefield.

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