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Germany is sending illegal migrants back to us! They will receive support from the Greek authorities for housing and food

Migration dominates the pre-election campaign two weeks before the February 23 elections in Germany. At the same time, the German government is promoting a pilot program for the return of refugees who were granted asylum in Greece and then reapplied for asylum in Germany, according to ERT.

The new pilot program is being developed by the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF) as a continuation of the "Helios" program, which ended last fall.

"Germany wants to strengthen the return of refugees to Greece," reads the headline of a report by the German magazine Spiegel, which refers to a pilot program by the German government aimed at "encouraging the return of migrants" whose application for international protection has already been approved in Greece.


The new pilot program is being developed by the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees and follows the "Helios" program, which ended last fall. According to Spiegel, those returning will receive support from the Greek authorities through a special aid program for housing, food, and social counseling. At a later stage, they will be integrated into a special program for language learning and job search.

As reported by ERT’s correspondent in Germany, the new program started in January 2025. Initially, participation in the program will be voluntary, but mandatory returns will also be pursued. The goal is to return individuals who have already received protection status from the Greek authorities in the past two years. Their age will range from 19 to 49 years old, and they will be individuals capable of working.

According to the report, the organization and funding of the departures will be handled by the federal states of Germany, while the costs of the program in Greece will initially be covered by EU funds and later by the Greek government.

Through the program, the German authorities aim to establish the necessary legal conditions for the return of refugees who have already received asylum in Greece. In the past, court rulings have blocked the return of refugees to Greece due to "poor living conditions".




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