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Russian Generals with Wagner at knifepoint! Prigozhin out of control: "Shoigu-Gerasimov! Where's the f@@@ing ammo?” - Video

"We will leave Bahamut on May 10"

At odds with the Russian military command, he appears to be the head of the Wagner group, in a video he recorded against the background of the corpses of men of the paramilitary group and posted on Telegram.

Screaming curses and curses, Yevgeny Prigozhin lashes out at those responsible for ammunition shortages in Wagner's forces, resulting in more lives being lost. Naming Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu and the commander of Russian forces in Ukraine Valery Gerasimov, he shouts out where the ammunition is and asks the person holding the camera to "zoom in" on the dead behind him.

“These are the Wagner men killed today. Their blood is still warm! Record them all,” Prigozhin can be heard saying at the beginning of the video, as the camera pans over the rows of bodies.

“We are 70% short on ammunition. Shut up! Gerasimov! Where the hell is the ammo?' the head of Wagner asks in a furious state shortly afterwards.

"You beasts frequent expensive clubs. Your kids are enjoying life and uploading videos to YouTube. Do you think you are the boss in this life and that you have the right to control the ammunition stocks?' says Prigozhin, among others, emphasizing that the loss of life in Wagner's units would have been five times lower if the Russian command had supplied them with sufficient ammunition.

“These men came here as volunteers and are dying so you can sit in your fancy offices. They are someone's fathers. They are someone's sons. And those bastards who don't give us the ammunition will eat their bread in hell," adds Prigozhin.

The head of the mercenary company has repeatedly complained about the way Moscow has been conducting the war in Ukraine - which the Kremlin describes as a "special military operation" - over the past 14 months.

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