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This is the fully improved new French proposal for the corvettes for the Greek Navy

With the Italian Prime Minister touting the Italian proposal for the corvettes and the Naval Group having already a very good cooperation with the Navy for the "Kimon" class frigates under construction, comes back with a new improved proposal for the corvettes it intends to build for the Greek Navy.

As stated in the relevant information memorandum: Naval Group has a unique track record of successful Technology Transfers (ToT) for various products worldwide: OPV( Patrol Vessels), Surface Combatants (Surface Combatants), Submarines...

  • Strong cooperation with Skaramagas Shipyards for the manufacture of Gowind Corvettes in Greece. Thorough discussions between Skaramagas Shipyard and Naval Group result in a high degree of maturity of the industrial organization.
  • The French industrial team "Naval Group / Thales / MBDA" is fully committed to achieve 30% industrial efficiency in favour of the Greek industrial ecosystem representing more than 2,000 direct and indirect high value jobs.
  • The Skaramagas shipyard will directly benefit from this Greek Industrial Participation thanks to a customized Transfer of Technology (ToT) program provided by Naval Group with significant manufacturing activities as well as skills development for the future support of the Gowind HN fleet, the FDI HN fleet and other Naval vessels.

French-Greek Strategic Defence Agreement

- In the framework of the Defence Agreement and the decision of the French Ministry of Finance to acquire Gowind corvettes for the French Navy, the co-production between France and Greece of Gowind corvettes is proposed. This co-production will provide additional industrial benefits to the Greek industry.

4 Gowind corvettes are already in service with the Egyptian Navy (1st platform built in Lorient with training of Egyptian personnel in the project, followed by 3 platforms built by Alexandria Shipyard) and 2 Gowind corvettes are currently in the final phase of completion for the UAE Navy. A total of 11 Gowinds have already been ordered. With the French programme this number will reach 17 units.

High degree of commonality and interoperability between Gowind corvettes and FDI HN frigates in terms of:

o Propulsion systems

o Auxiliary systems

           Heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC)

           Safety systems

o Naval systems

o Aircraft systems

o Platform Management System

o Navigation system

o Standard hardware and shipyard equipment

o Combat System and Combat Management System

 Air Warfare

        - RAM CIWS

        - Laser Warning System

        - AAW Countermeasure Launchers

        - Electro-optical system

 Anti-ship warfare

      - Surface-to-surface missiles

- Main Caliber Cannon

- Fire Control System

- Gun Computer

- Small calibre guns

 Anti-Submarine Warfare

    - Trophy sonar

    - Submarine Telephone

    - Torpedo Launch System

    - ASW Countermeasure Computing System (CONTRALTO®-V)

    - Variable depth sonar

 Electronic Warfare

     - RESM

     - CESM

 Communication systems

      - External Communications

      - Internal Communications

      - Communications Management System

      - GMDSS

      - Land-based connection

      - SATCOM

      - HF transceivers (maximum power adjustment) and HF receiver


      - VHF Tactical for RHIB

      - SATCOM X and Ku (ORBIT Ocean TRx Antenna and Cabinet product line)

      - Tactical Data Link: Link 16 terminal MIDS

      - Tactical Data Link: Link 11 & 22

      - Voice Encryption Devices (Elcrodat 4.2)

      - Data Encryption Devices (KIV7-M)

      - Tactical Data Link Link 11 & 22 encryption devices

      - Communications Control & Management Operating System

      - COMOPS IP Networks

      - Audio User Terminals (AUT)

      - IP Telephone

      - Shoreline Link

      - Analogue dedicated telephone

      - Wide Area Tactical Maritime Network (SEANODE)

      - Message handling (software is GFE)

      - Telecommunication system.

Training of PN staff
Follow-on Support
Hellenic Industrial participation


A proven successful process for local manufacturing, successfully applied in many countries:

Egypt: (4) Gowind corvette: (1) in France and (3) in Egypt

Malaysia: (5) Gowind corvettes in Malaysia.

Singapore: (6) La Fayette type frigate: (1) in France and (5) in Singapore

India: (6) Scorpene submarines in India

Brazil:(4) Scorpene submarines: (1) in France and 3 in the Brazilian naval base

Description of the proposed ToT for the Skaramanga yard

The first corvette of type (FOC) Gowind will be built at the Naval Group's Lorient shipyard and the next 3 corvettes at the Skaramagas shipyard. During the construction of the FOC in France, the personnel at the Skaramagas yard will benefit from extensive on-site training. This phase is essential to ensure the seamless transfer of know-how to Skaramagas Shipyard for the full construction of the following 3 Gowind corvettes in Greece.

For this entire project, the ToT package includes:

- On-site training of the personnel of Skaramanga Shipyard in Lorian

- Technical Data Package (TDP) including: drawings and documentation (specifications, procedures, etc.) necessary for the construction of the corvettes and a digital 3D model of the ship with visualisation software,

- Technical assistance from Naval Group in Greece, with back-office in Lorient

- Supervision team from Naval Group in Greece.

The main purpose of the Technical Assistance during the project is:

- To assist the Skaramanga Shipyard in the use of the TDP documents and database,

- To explain and clarify any issue related to the TDP,

- Provide advice on project and production management, job preparation and production tasks.


The Gowind HN is a powerful surface combatant equipped with NATO interoperable and field-proven combat systems.

- The Gowind HN offers a comprehensive set of state-of-the-art NATO specification, combat-proven, combat-proven systems for Anti-Submarine Warfare, Anti-Pollution Warfare and Anti-Aircraft Warfare.  The Gowind HN is well suited for the Aegean and Mediterranean and is equipped to deal with all types of threats.

- Gowind HN incorporates sophisticated and state-of-the-art sensors and weapons to attack all kinds of conventional and asymmetric threats in deep and shallow waters.

- Sensors and weapons that are common or from the same family as the FDI HN:

o Sensors: sonar, Electronic Warfare Systems, Electro-optical System, Fire Control System

o Weapons: guns, surface-to-surface missiles, torpedoes, RAM CIWS

- The Gowind® is designed for safe operation, launch and recovery of helicopters in the same weight class as the FDI HN.

- Above water, the Gowind HN incorporates through the SETIS combat management system a 3D S-band surveillance radar with proven performance against small targets as well as all types of aircraft, combined with passive sensors that provide immediate warnings and countermeasures.

- Underwater, the Gowind HN incorporates a robust anti-submarine warfare (ASW) capability with a renowned sonar suite capable of covering the full range of ASW operations in deep and shallow water.

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