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The Israeli-Cyprus Armed Forces in a drill against the Turks-Israeli media: Naval axis in the Mediterranean

Cyprus and Israel stand strong together to counter any possible plans of Turkey to expand its neo-Ottomanism in the Eastern Mediterranean region.

This is what an expert is saying about Turkish plans in the Eastern Mediterranean, following this weekend's Turkish elections.

Yesterday, the joint exercise AGAPINOR-23 began, in which the National Guard of Cyprus and forces of Israel participate.

Two C-130J-30s of the Israeli Air Force's 103 Squadron were the first aircraft to fly over the exercise area.

As stated in the relevant announcement, the purpose of the exercise is to train the Staffs and forces of the two countries, to increase their interoperability and readiness and to upgrade the already existing long-term military cooperation. The exercise, which is based on a hypothetical scenario, is a further development of this cooperation, contributing to regional peace and stability.

Exercise AGAPINOR-2023 is part of the agreed Bilateral Defense Cooperation Program of the Republic of Cyprus with the State of Israel, highlighting the excellent relations between the two countries in recent years in the field of Defense and Security.

The Iranian elite has targeted Greece-Bulgaria

Israeli media warn us that "the threat of the Islamic Republic in Greece on the occasion of a recent incident of recruitment and infiltration of terrorists in our country, is a typical example of the new policy of the Iranians, in combination with the arrest of Greek-owned ships in the Persian Gulf.

"Tehran has also targeted the Israelis in Bulgaria. "Iran's actions show that it does not respect the borders of countries and is ready to violate the basic principles of international law to achieve its plans," it said.

Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Galand traveled to Athens on Thursday as part of an important trip to Greece and Cyprus. Israel, Greece and Cyprus have become key strategic partners in recent years, working closely together in areas such as trade, energy, defense and security.

This new partnership is also part of a wider series of relationships in which Greece and Cyprus work with NATO members and other countries such as Egypt, the UAE and India, which are also close partners of Israel. Thus, the Israeli defense minister's trip was important for Israel's alliances in the region and around the world.

In Athens, Gallant met with Defense Minister Nikolaos Panagiotopoulos, praised the bilateral ties between Israel and Greece. The two ministers discussed the intelligence cooperation that prevented a terrorist attack in Greece. Galland noted that the recent arrest in Greece of two terrorists sent by Iran was of great importance.

"It is not the only attack that has been prevented. In fact, Iran has launched a global terror campaign under the direct leadership of its leader," the Israeli minister said. Gallant expressed concern to Greek officials about Iran's nuclear weapons program, noting that Tehran had enriched uranium for five nuclear bombs.

The Israeli minister praised the close Greek-Israeli relationship as an anchor of stability in our region.
Energy security in the Eastern Mediterranean, for example, is a major issue these days due to offshore gas exploration and the maritime agreement with Cyprus.

In addition, recent joint exercises with the US Central Command, as well as other naval exercises conducted by Israel, contribute to the strengthening of maritime cooperation in the waterway between Israel, Cyprus and Greece.

In the coming years, cooperation with Greece and Cyprus is expected to expand, which will include an increase in trade and defense agreements.

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