Greek-Turkish Relations
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We were flattered with the F-35! Big imbalance in long-range air-to-air missiles (BVRAAM) created by the US in favor of Turkey in the Aegean


In our recent article entitled "What else is included in the US-Turkey deal besides the F-16 BLOCK-70 and how it affects the air balance in the Aegean?", we pointed out that with the additional US supplies to the Turks, in engine-kits electronic warfare-advanced AESA radars and hundreds of long- and short-range air-to-air missiles as well as anti-radar missiles and bombs, Greek air supremacy in the Aegean is severely undercut.


How the Turkish Air-to-Air Missile (BVRAAM) arsenal is shaping up over 65 km

However "the devil is in the details", since the US is supplying the Turks with 952 AMRAAM AIM-120C-8 air-to-air missiles, a further improved version with an extended range of around 160 km, better guidance and greater lethality.

In addition to these, Turkey has in its arsenal 600 AIM-120 AMRAAMs.

Also, TÜBİTAK-SAGE, which launched the GÖKTUĞ project in 2013, took an important step to end Turkey's dependence on foreign air-to-air missiles.

The GÖKTUĞ project is divided into two as BOZDOĞAN In-Sight Air-Air Missile (WVRAAM) and GÖKDOĞAN In-Vision Air-Air Missile (BVRAAM).

In early July 2022, Turkey announced the successful launch of the GÖKDOĞAN air-to-air missile at the Sinop range.

GÖKDOĞAN is the equivalent of the US AIM-120 AMRAAM, it has a solid-state Active Radar (AR) seeker. The missile, which is resistant to electronic warfare, can be guided to the source of the jam.

It has a range of about 65 kilometers.


The corresponding arsenal of the Hellenic Air Force

At the same time, the Hellenic Air Force has in its arsenal the AIM-120 B, C-5, C-7 (АМРААМ) with a range respectively of (B) 35NM, (C5) 40NM and (C7) 40NM, commonly the maximum range is 74 kilometers.

In addition, our country has the Meteor missiles with a maximum range of 200 km carried by the French Rafale fighters.

The next day in the Aegean sky for Greece-Turkey

Air-to-air missiles have completely changed the dynamics of air combat, with the result that close engagements (Dogfights) take a back seat and are conducted only after the stockpile of air-to-air missiles (BVRAAM) has been greatly reduced in numbers.

From the above, it can be seen that Turkey in the event of a military confrontation with our country in relation to air-to-air missiles will have a very big advantage, since apart from the 952 AMRAAM AIM-120C-8 missiles with a range of 160 km that are given to them by the USA , package of 40 F-16 BLOCK-70 has the ability to manufacture the corresponding AIM-9 and AMRAAM-120, with its own subordinates BOZDOĞAN and GÖKDOĞAN, while we do not.

In addition, the fact that Greece still does not have the possibility of attacking the entire Turkish territory, puts their production factories, as well as their peacetime stocks, at risk.

Finally, the rapid increase in the number of Turkish UAVs, in contrast to Greece, and the possibility of launching air-to-air missiles from them, increases the lethality for the friendly Air Force.

Until yesterday, the difference in the Aegean that was made by the Greek RAFALE and mainly the few air-to-air METEOR missiles with a range of 200 km that our Air Force has, is distributed based on the above, since although it has a shorter range by 40 km than them, the huge number of the 952 AMRAAM AIM-120C-8 missiles given to the Turks create an advantage for them in the Aegean.



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