Greek-Turkish Relations
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Nick Larigakis slammed the US policy of equal distances on Greek-Turkish issues

The Hellenic American Institute issued the following statement on behalf of its President Nick Larigakis in response to the recent sale of arms by the United States to Turkey and Greece:The Hellenic American Institute, through its President Nick Larigakis, has expressed its outrage at the US's stance of equidistance between Greece and Turkey

The Hellenic American Institute issued the following statement on behalf of its President Nick Larigakis in response to the recent US arms sale to Turkey and Greece:

We reiterate our strong opposition to the United States selling new F-16 fighter jets and modernization kits to Turkey, an unreliable ally that violates US and international law and remains under US sanctions for its use of Russian-made weapons systems.Moreover, this July will mark half a century of Turkey's illegal occupation of the Republic of Cyprus, an EU country and strategic partner of the US. 

We are deeply concerned that Turkey continues to oppose US policy interests in the Middle East and Eastern Mediterranean, as well as on important issues related to Israel, Iran, Syria and Russia. It is unacceptable that the Biden administration chose to inform Congress of its plan to sell weapons to Turkey almost directly after Turkey approved Sweden's NATO membership.It is also disappointing that the respective committee leaders gave their approval in such haste, given the substantial opposition to the deal from many other members of Congress. Turkey should have approved Sweden joining NATO because it was the right and necessary thing to do to strengthen the alliance and support its allies, but instead used the opportunity to demand concessions from the United States and delay the process far beyond the appropriate time frame.

Turkey consistently violates the Arms Export Control Act by using US weapons for illegal purposes unrelated to their self-defense. The use of double standards in the application of the rule of law regarding Turkey jeopardizes the US goal of promoting order based on international rules, human rights and democratic values ​​in the Eastern Mediterranean, the Middle East and around the world. It is not in the interest of the United States to continue not to hold Turkey accountable for its actions.

While we welcome the fact that Greece has finally received an indication that a deal has been completed for the sale of forty F-35 fighter jets and additional defense equipment including 60 tanks, two military transport planes and warships, we are disappointed that it took so long much, given that Congress had already approved this deal many months ago.

Greece deserves such a deal on its merits. However, it appears to observers of US policy in the region that any proposed deal to sell F-35s to Greece remained contingent on Turkey's approval of Sweden joining NATO and the subsequent proposal to sell F-16s to Turkey. US policy towards Greece should never be viewed through the lens of Turkey or any third country. Unlike Turkey, Greece has long been a proven and reliable ally of the US and NATO.It fought side by side with the US in every major conflict of the 20th century. Today, Greece is hailed as an "indispensable NATO partner and ally at a time of unparalleled global challenges," as Secretary of State Antony Blinken said, and "the defense relationship between the United States and Greece has never been stronger," as Minister Defense Lloyd Austin. Many top US government officials have echoed similar sentiments.

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