Greek-Turkish Relations
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''The Turks are on fire'': ''No matter how many Rafale the Greeks buy, we will face them with the SIPER - We will lock the Aegean, not even a bird will fly!'' (Video)

Turkey is bringing the "Blue Homeland" and the Turkish-Colombian memorandum back to the forefront after the new provocative statements made yesterday by Turkish Vice President Cevdet Yilmaz.

"Yesterday there was a major disaster, from flooding in Libya to our "Blue Homeland" in our neighbouring Libya. There are many dead and injured. We immediately took all kinds of measures to show that we are with the brotherly people of Libya and all measures were taken to send our aircraft to help. No one has the power to harm this relationship. We will move forward together," said Cevdet Yilmaz.

At the same time, all eyes are on the Mitsotakis-Erdogan face-off. In the meeting to be held on September 20-22, they will try to take many serious steps in the relationship between the two countries, but Turkey will sit at the table with a specific stance, namely the Turkish-Turkish memorandum.

"No matter how many Rafale the Greeks buy, we will deal with them"

At the same time, the attitude of Turkish analysts is also provocative, who comment that "no matter how many Rafale the Greeks buy, we will deal with them with the Siper anti-aircraft system".

They also say that "with our anti-aircraft systems we will lock the Aegean, not a single bird will fly", promoting a rhetoric which, as the SKY correspondent reports, did not exist after the great earthquake in Turkey and is now resurfacing again.

"The system. Siper creates a large area of anti-aircraft protection, which you cannot do with other systems. . This anti-aircraft system placed in the Aegean Sea, two such systems, not a single bird will fly in the Aegean Sea. You guys if you want to buy as many Rafale fighters as you can, buy one gun and the other. Hundreds or thousands!" said military analyst, Mete Yararar.

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