Greek-Turkish Relations
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Is Alexandroupoli a gate of salvation?-Ukrainian ambassador to Turkey: Our grain will be transferred through Romania-Bulgaria

Confusion  in Turkey, which is likely to lose the mediating role it played in the issue of grain exports from Turkish ports, following Russia's decision to cancel the grain deal.

"The new export route for Ukrainian agricultural products should pass through the territorial waters of Bulgaria, Romania," said the Ambassador of Ukraine to Turkey.


"The new route for transporting Ukrainian agricultural products can pass through the territorial waters of Bulgaria and Romania, which will help minimize risks after Russia's unilateral withdrawal from the Black Sea Grain Initiative," said Ukrainian Ambassador to Turkey Vasyl Bodnar.

"Turkey's position in this situation, that is, the readiness to negotiate with Russia, is the country's traditional policy to satisfy its interests, looking for a 'golden solution' to minimize risks," he told the radio. United News.

According to him, the Russians may not resort to carrying out all the threats they talk about.
However, the threat remains and this affects shipping companies, insurance companies, etc.

"Let's be honest. Russia, having withdrawn from the agreement, said that it does not provide security, and this means that they will bomb ports, infrastructure and possibly ships. This is the danger," the Ukrainian ambassador said.

Bondar reminded that Ukraine has created a fund to ensure these risks, but there are certain conditions.

"We also have the opportunity to attract ships and companies. From our point of view, this can be achieved even without using this route, which has already been agreed, but through the territorial waters of Romania and Bulgaria. This is also possible risk minimization option," he explained.

At the same time, Bodnar emphasized the need for the responsibility of the international community, in order to, on the one hand, help Ukraine to implement such a scenario and, on the other hand, to put pressure on Russia to prevent its possible attacks.

Yesterday we mentioned that a possible role of Greece in the question of Grains from Ukraine, would increase Athens incredibly, giving geopolitical power to this major issue for Europe.

The Russians, who of course have their own plans in the Black Sea, fear that a food corridor will be created from the Port of Alexandroupolis to Bulgaria and Romania, for the export of Ukrainian grain to Europe, while Russian grain will be out of the game.

If what is now very likely happens, the geopolitical role of Greece will multiply and grow to a very large extent.

The head of the Alexandroupolis Port Organization, Konstantinos Hatzimikhail, noted the need to create new land corridors to the port, in relation to Russia's withdrawal from the grain agreement, and it seems that we are heading in this direction, turning the acrid city into a gateway for transporting Ukrainian grain to Worldwide.

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