Greek-Turkish Relations
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Neo-Ottoman "games"! Erdogan wants to "demilitarize" all of Greece while his industry builds unmanned submarines

Turkish President Erdogan, playing one of the well-known neo-Ottoman games, which he plays with his fingers, asks our country not only to demilitarize its islands in the Aegean, but to stop the modernization of its Armed Forces, at a time when the Turkish defense industry in the midst of the crisis is constantly producing weapons and dual-use unmanned vehicles.

"Prime Minister, stop the armaments now. So where are you going with these armaments? America is constantly giving you a lot of weapons. Are you taking them because they are giving them to you for free?" I guess we'll talk about them. You should also know that we are here to reduce our enemies, not to increase them. This is the Turkish Republic, this is Erdogan," the Turkish president said in yet another Suleiman the Magnificent serial in which he is playing himself.

Turkey's Sonitus Engineering unveiled the RAMPUS, a new unmanned underwater vehicle suitable for exploration and research missions, but also for interfering with gas pipelines and power transmission lines, like the one Greece is preparing with Egypt.

Ankara's plan is to acquire special vehicles for underwater sabotage underwater warfare in order to become powerful, blackmailing according to its interests at every point in the Aegean and Eastern Mediterranean.

This is the main objective, and the rest is just Ottoman fairy tales.  

Sonitus Engineering, which continues to develop its own products as well as develop subsystems for military and civilian naval platforms, has unveiled its new unmanned submarine vehicle, the Turkish publication reports, revealing the dual use of the unmanned submarine .

The unmanned underwater vehicle named RAMPUS was developed for use in underwater exploration and research activities.

The company had previously demonstrated at Field Expo 2022 that it had the first results of its work in this area with the NARVAL 1006 autonomous underwater glider.

With the RAMPUS, the Turks have developed a newer and more advanced product in terms of capacity and weight.

The RAMPUS can be used without fixed glide on the rear deck of ships, with a temporary glide system to be installed prior to deployment.

Sonar and high-resolution imaging systems can be integrated into RAMPUS for underwater exploration.

RAMPUS will be able to perform all operations up to 1000 meters depth, within the specified path, on command within range and autonomously out of range.

In its announcement, Sonitus Engineering, states the following missions for RAMPUS :

  • Detection of underwater threats
  • Intelligence-Surveillance-Identification
  • Bottom mapping and imaging
  • Inspection of pipelines and subsea structures
  • Oceanographic surveys
  • hydrographic surveys,
  • debris field mapping,
  • search and rescue operations.

No one from the depths of Turkey to the coastline believes that this unmanned submarine, for example, is for peaceful use.

The destroyers, the frigates, the new unmanned vehicles, and the ballistic missiles that the Turkish defence industry is preparing, have only one purpose, that of safeguarding the 'Blue Homeland', and nothing else.

The only obstacle to this Nazi-type plan is the Greek Armed Forces on the islands of the Eastern Aegean, and our Navy along with the new Greek Rafale and soon the F-35.

This is why the Turkish political and military leadership is straining, since any attempt to challenge Greece and slip into a military incident will pay dearly for them, and this is what the Turkish Generals have made clear to Erdogan.    

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