Greek-Turkish Relations
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The Greek F-35s gave them the chills-Turks will "wear" cruise missiles GEZGİN & ATMACA on F-16 ÖZGÜR

The Turks show once again the aggressive dispositions they have mainly against Greece and Cyprus, with the installation of cruise missiles in a special version of the F-16, or at least they intend to do so with outside help, probably from Britain.

“GEZGİN Cruise missile and ATMACA anti-ship missile can be launched from the air. One of the aerial platforms that will carry these missiles will be the upgraded F-16 ÖZGÜR aircraft", states a Turkish expert, in an attempt to respond to the Greek F-35s which naturally have caused alarm in Ankara.

An informative video about Turkish air-launchable munitions was shared by the Defense Industries Presidency (SSB).

In the video, ATMACA anti-ship missiles and GEZGİN cruise missiles, as communicated by the Turkish defense industry, will be placed on aerial platforms such as F-16 ÖZGÜR aircraft, which is qualified as the main platform to launch these missiles.

The Turkish F-16 ÖZGÜR is a modernized Turkish version of the F-16. “National munitions and electronic systems will be integrated into the F-16 ÖZGÜR aircraft, whose mass production has begun. Since most of the existing F-16 aircraft have foreign software, there is a problem in the integration of national systems," the Turkish side says.

Regarding the matter, the President of the Presidency of the Defense Industry I. Demir said: "the F-16 is a system that we bought ready. Modernizing it with our own systems is a step towards getting rid of foreign dependence, which is our main principle in the defense industry. We will integrate our own munitions, electronic warfare system and electronic means."

The ÖZGÜR version includes the modernization of the avionics first implemented on the F-16 Block 30 fighter jets.

Installation of new Mission Computer, System Interface Unit, Cockpit Control Panel, with hydraulic fuel gauge, engine gauge, emergency, audible safety device, and national Identification Friendly and Enemy Forces (IFF) System, as well as inertial navigation system, as well as fitting radar of the MURAD AESA Radar, which is under development, and is expected to be integrated into aircraft in the future.

I. Demir announced that the ÖZGÜR level modernization plan will also be applied to F-16 fighter jets in Block 40 and Block 50 configurations.

The F-35 will be a "nuclear weapon" in the hands of Greek Pilots

The F-35 is the future of the Air Force and this has been pointed out for years by experienced pilots and experts.

There is a failure to understand that the F-35 is unlike any fighter ever built. It is a sensor/network hub with wings and weapons. With its advanced avionics, sophisticated networking technologies, and ability to fuse sensor data from multiple sources, the F-35 can act as a "fourth" for complex air operations and even combat operations involving ground and naval units.

Additionally, unlike fourth-generation platforms that often need to be reconfigured with "bolt-on" capabilities to perform specific missions, the F-35 comes as a complete package, with sensors, computers, weapons and electronic warfare all part of an integrated whole. . This not only simplifies mission planning, but allows the JSF to rotate between air-to-air, air-to-ground and reconnaissance missions as the tactical situation dictates.

In multiple Air Force exercises, the F-35 has consistently demonstrated its unmatched performance in both air-to-air and air-to-ground operations.

This translates into the fact that "water is entering the gutter" and Greece will strategically control the Aegean, the Eastern Mediterranean and also the Balkans.

The acquisition of 18-24 F-35 fighter jets by Greece will completely change the current reality, at the same time changing the balance with Turkey in the Aegean and Eastern Mediterranean, to a huge extent.

Foreign think tanks believe that in the next decade Greece will exploit the hydrocarbon deposits both in the Ionian Sea and in the south of Crete, which will bring the country many billions of euros, which can be seen from the current crazy rally in natural gas prices , which automatically makes the deposits of the Eastern Mediterranean a "bone of contention" for many players young and old.

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