Greek-Turkish Relations
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Mil drill with a strong "message" in the Aegean - Recapture of Skyros airport by Greek-US-German-Netherlands commandos (Video)

The international cooperation last night of the elite forces from Greece, the USA, Germany and the Netherlands for the recapture of the Skyros airport was clearly an exercise with great meaning for the Aegean.

These are high level Airborne & Amphibious Operations in the Greek Archipelago.

It is estimated that the choice of this island as the "focus" of the exercise carried out with the participation of elite airborne and amphibious forces cannot be characterized as a mere coincidence.

The central scenario of the exercise that was carried out last night, included an airborne operation by elite multinational forces to recapture the island's airport that had previously been occupied by "enemy" forces.

The choice of this island was certainly not accidental, since it is known in the defense arrangement of the Greek Armed Forces, as it constitutes the largest and most important "pillar" of the Greek air defense (air and ground).

The island of Skyros is also of great importance in the planning of the entire defense plan of our country, against Turkish threats in the Aegean in any scenario of Greek-Turkish military conflict.

The capture of the island of Skyros is in the main plans of the Turkish Armed Forces, with a surprise operation using Turkish drones, and airborne energy afterwards.

The Turks have as their first priority the destruction of all facilities on this island, and either with airborne energy or with the use of ballistic missiles, they will seek to destroy the Greek military infrastructure, but not the airport, which would serve them in a hypothetical scenario , to blackmail the Greek political and military leadership.

Turkey recently added the TCG Anadolu landing/helicopter carrier to its amphibious operations fleet and has 100 T-70i transport helicopters in its force.

The island of Skyros has a prominent position in the center of the Greek Archipelago, at a distance of 130 km from Athens and 160 km from the North Aegean, constituting the central pillar of the Greek air defense system against the Turkish Armed Forces in the Aegean.

According to the Greek press, MIM-104 Patriot PAC-3 arrays, SHORADS "Arrow" and many, many other systems are located on the island.

The only thing that is certain is that if the Turks attempt, in an extreme scenario, to attack Skyros with airborne forces, combined with a simultaneous operation to seize islands in the Eastern Aegean, they will find in front of them elite forces from Greece and the USA, which are moving for their own interests will not allow regime change in the Aegean.


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