Greek-Turkish Relations
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Loud messages to Ankara and Tehran from Athens - Everything said at the meeting of Panagiotopoulos with the Israeli Foreign Minister

Nikos Panagiotopoulos had a very important meeting today at the Ministry of National Defense, as the country may be in pre-election stages, but the strengthening of alliance ties does not stop.

The Greek MINISTER received today at the Greek "Pentagon" his Israeli counterpart Job Galand, who made an official visit to Greece.

During the talks, the two Ministers reaffirmed the strong and timeless bonds of friendship and the strategic defense relationship of the two countries for their security and defense, but also for the stability and prosperity of the wider region.

It is no coincidence that in addition to the anti-drone and other weapon systems such as the SPIKENLOS that Athens acquires from Tel Aviv, the arrival of the first advanced M346 trainer at the Kalamata air base is imminent as part of the bilateral cooperation in the operation of the International Aviation Training Center Kalamata base.

The extremely high level and dynamics of military cooperation between the Armed Forces of Greece and Israel, which are demonstrated by the implementation of important, mutually beneficial, programs in the field of Defense Industry and joint exercises, as well as the common desire for further strengthening them.

Nikos Panagiotopoulos, who since the time of the earthquakes had still maintained his reservations regarding the friendly face displayed by Turkey, pointed out, among other things, what he said in the short Press Conference granted by the two ministers: "Aggressive revisionism is the biggest challenge which we have to face in our region and is a serious danger for the international legal order".

The Minister of Defense of Israel praised the role played by his Greek counterpart during his term in order to practically and indisputably strengthen the defense ties between Greece and Israel, while he noted that the recent discussions between the two delegations reflect the depth and the prospects of the ties between the two countries. Mr. Gallant referred to the Athens-Tel Aviv cooperation in defense, information, industrial projects and other fields, which contributes to the security and economy of both sides, while he described the operation of the International Center as an excellent example of bilateral cooperation Training at Kalamata Air Base. He also mentioned the recent intelligence cooperation that led to the capture of two terrorists who were planning to attack Israeli targets in our country.

The Israeli Minister of Defense emphasized that the Greece-Israel bond is a pillar of stability in the region and personally pledged to further expand this cooperation in order to jointly face challenges and build a brighter future for the peoples of the two countries.

Job Gallant, from Athens, did not fail to send two very strict messages to Iran and the Palestinians, revealing at the same time that Tehran is very close to acquiring not one but five nuclear bombs as it has in its possession nuclear material enriched by 20 to 60 % and pointed out that enrichment at the level of 90% would be a mortal danger for the region. He emphasized that Israel will do what it deems necessary using all means!

Also present at the reception and the talks between the delegations were the Deputy Minister of National Defense, Mr. Nikolaos Hardalias, the Chief of the General Defense Forces General Konstantinos Floros, the Chief of the General Staff of the Greek Armed Forces, Vice Admiral (I) Themistocles Bourolias, the Chief of General Staff, Vice-Admiral Ioannis Drymousis PN, the Deputy Chief of General Staff, Vice-General Andreas Koronakis and the Ambassador of Israel to Greece Mr. Noam Katz.


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