Greek-Turkish Relations
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Unrepentant Neo-Ottomans! Turkish expert warns of military conflict due to the army in our islands

The Islamic-fascist logic of the Turkish state does not change at all, whoever is elected (let's keep this in mind for later), while a Turkish expert warns us that if Erdogan wins the elections, he will be even worse in the Aegean.

We remind you that yesterday Erdogan mentioned that "we will continue to disturb them and others who are on the other side of the waters", during his speech at the presentation of the new 5th generation fighter.

The Turkish expert now, despite all the pressures in Athens, believes that the current Greek government (and no government) will ultimately not give in to the Turkish demands, especially the presence of the Greek Army on the islands, thus dramatically increasing the possibility of an armed confrontation.

Yücel Acer, writer, member of SETA Foundation for Political, and international law expert who currently teaches at Yıldırım Beyazıt University in Ankara reveals that:

"Erdogan's foreign policy will remain unchanged if he retains his position, as he has always been determined to maintain a firm policy to protect Turkey's national interests.

Regardless of what the US or any other major power does in Turkey, no one can expect any compromise from Erdogan either in the Aegean or in the Eastern Mediterranean."


Possibilities of Greek-Turkish war in the Aegean

Referring to the re-election chances of K. Mitsotakis, the Turkish expert noted that "the conservative New Democracy party has a small lead over the left-wing SYRIZA party, despite the growing pressure over the Tempe train accident, high inflation and the prices of food, the wiretapping scandal, and the scandals of Greek members of the European Parliament".

"As Greek Prime Minister, K. Mitsotakis has promoted his country's relations with Western nations, particularly France and more recently Germany, while he himself is likely to persist in his policy of increasing tensions with Turkey in the Aegean , especially in equipping the islands.

The islands are to be demilitarized under the Lausanne Treaty, while last year Greek troops were deployed to an island just 8km (5 miles) off Turkey's south-west coast (Katelorizo).

Ankara has since criticized such "repeated provocations" from Greece, saying it "frustrates efforts for peace".

Erdogan warned Mitsotakis that Turkey "may come suddenly overnight if Greece continues to act this way.

The situation, which is also supported by the US, is a direct threat to Turkey's national security," Acer stressed.

"If after the victory of Mitsotakis he decides to continue this policy, I would say that this, as the biggest source of tension between the countries, could create a real war skirmish," he continued, implying from a heated episode to a normal conflict possibly despite the fact that the US/NATO will not allow such a thing, according to Greek experts.

Emphasizing Mitsotakis' "close relationship with the West," Acer said he did not believe the Greek prime minister would be "so accommodating" to Turkey, but "could be open to resuming negotiations."

However, it is not possible to wait for a solution. However, maintaining bilateral ties is useful for Turkey and Greece, and that's what I expect after the elections," he continued.

Referring to the US military build-up in Greece, the signing of a defense pact, the sale of F-35 fighter jets, joint naval exercises in the Aegean, as well as Athens' strategic cooperation with France, Acer argued that Greece "has always faced Turkey with the support of major powers".

"Both the US and the EU have extremely excessive demands on Turkey, especially the US, without taking Turkey's national interests into account," he said, alluding to Washington's refusal to stop providing arms and training, in PKK and the YPG.

A Greek journalist spoke to the Turkish newspaper Sabah

"Diplomatic sources say the US is preparing the ground for dialogue between the two countries to begin after the elections, first on low-level political issues and then on major issues," Vana Stellou told Daily Sabah.

"Washington shapes the environment according to its interests and the country it is dealing with. The American establishment does not want Turkey to leave the West," she emphasized, among other things.

The climate is crooked from the beginning between Greece and Turkey, with the clear and indisputable fault of the Turks, who seek to reconstitute a new Ottoman empire.

Erdogan is the main exponent of this policy, while the Kemalists of Kilintsaroglou are quieting down and asking for the "return" they say of islands in the Aegean that belong to them.

The Turks are unanimous and in complete sympathy when it comes to pouncing on their "prey", which is a pivotal point in the Aegean in the next period after the elections

In Greece at the same time, we continue the high rhetoric due to the elections, but we all owe and must maintain, as long as it takes a national stance, because the storm is already visible in the waters of the Aegean, no matter how many talks we are forced to have with the Neo-Ottomans Turks, US-EU.      

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