Greek-Turkish Relations
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The Turks are giving everything for the Aegean-They prepared an unmanned vessel that launches a torpedo at a surface target (Video)

Yesterday we reported that Turkey is very close to building unmanned mini-submarines, which will threaten our islands in the Aegean.

Today it became known that the Turkish unmanned surface vessel MIR, (Turkey's first unmanned sea vehicle), carried out the first torpedo launch against a surface target.
The MIR Unmanned Naval Vehicle (IDA) conducted its first torpedo launch.

Turkish Defense Industry President I. Demir reported the event on his social media account.

The MIR Unmanned Naval Vehicle (IDA), developed by SEFİNE Shipyard under the contract signed between the Defense Industries Presidency and ASELSAN, will be used for Anti-Submarine Warfare purposes.

In this context, the Turkish defense industry presented another important core capability after demonstrating their action in a "pack" of unmanned vessels.

It is about the possibility of launching a torpedo at a special event, which was attended by members of the Presidency of Defense Industries and the officers of the Turkish Naval Forces Administration.

There, a light torpedo was successfully fired over the land control station with the Torpedo Case System ASELSAN integrated into the MIR unmanned naval vehicle.

The MIR unmanned vessel used in anti-submarine warfare duties as its primary purpose, can be used in missions such as intelligence gathering/surveillance/reconnaissance, protection of critical facilities and floating platforms, as well as surface warfare.

This vehicle, according to the Turks, can attack submarines with autonomous navigation and built-in sonar, equipped with light missiles and a torpedo, and can cooperate with UAVs and unmanned underwater vehicles.

From the above, it can be seen that the neighboring country has at its disposal autonomous unmanned surface vessels, which are an important power multiplier for TEDs in the Aegean.

The multiple missions it can undertake in combination with our numerous islands, islets, islets in the Aegean and above all its interoperability with other naval means and command centers of Turkey, in combination with the wide range of aerial UAVs, UCAVs that the Turks have, they should prompt immediate action.

The Turkish armed forces want to create this "arm" of unmanned systems with the aim of hitting our country in every possible or unlikely scenario, without themselves risking a single man.

The Turks are planning bases on the coasts of Asia Minor, with unmanned boats and mini-submarines opposite Greek islands, while in nearby Dalaman and elsewhere, swarms of unmanned aircraft of various capabilities will "cover" the naval force, hitting Greek infrastructure without human cost.

At the exact same time, mobile arrays of ballistic missiles in cooperation with long-range radars will be scanning the Aegean, and will be preparing to strike infrastructure in the Greek hinterland.

Our country should quickly readjust all its policies that existed before, and with a new plan it should move along two axes:

Training of Reserves in the island regions and Evros.

UCAV manufacturing by the Greek defense industry.

Construction of small autonomous unmanned systems in cooperation with higher education institutions.

According to the new international practice, unmanned vehicles in all three dimensions have overwhelmed the armed forces of many countries, while also dominating the conflict field in Ukraine.

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