Greek-Turkish Relations
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Servants of the Islamic regime - Turkish Lt. General as a waiter in the Erdogan regime (Video)

There really is no end to the humiliation of the once mighty Turkish High Officers (passads according to Turkish terminology that goes back to the Ottoman period).

According to Turkish media, the move by a Turkish Chief of Staff to pick up a cup of tea in a meeting became a big issue:

"We are following the news of the NATO summit. Turkish Lieutenant General Göksel Kahya, who represents the Turkish Air Force at NATO, collects empty tea glasses.

I hope (the highest Turkish Officers) don't wash the dishes too! In the past there was the dignity of the uniform, the traditions of the institution, the diplomatic education. It's a shame!", says the Turkish journalist of Cumhuriyet newspaper Baris Terkoglou.

The Turkish Kemal Officers were once a special class of citizens in the country with tremendous privileges everywhere in Turkish society. They had houses, their own vehicles, recognition and respect from every Turkish politician, but these are now a very distant past.

We will not support the regime of the Turkish Officers, this is an internal Turkish issue, but the attitude of many of them shows servitude and fear, reminiscent of other times and totalitarian regimes.

Erdogan is still afraid of the Turkish army, since there are thousands of Kemalists and possibly Gulenists within it, who are simply waiting for the opportunity to act against him.

Also yesterday, hundreds of Turkish women on Women's Day, personally attacked the Turkish president, which shows a picture of Turkish society that is "boiling".

It has been known for years that the Erdoğan regime has created, on the occasion of the coup, the creation of an army staffed with executives fully subordinated to the regime, simultaneously affecting operations in the Evros and Aegean Theaters of Operations.

We remind you that for some years now, the AKP has "sandwiched" 1 Commando Battalion of sharp Islamist EPOP among many formations of the Turkish army, to control the movements of Turkish Officers and prevent possible events.

Erdoğan is known to want his Generals and the army in general busy, since he does not control it, and that is why he occasionally unleashes nationalist attacks against Greece, Cyprus and other countries in the Mediterranean.

But it is estimated that on the occasion of the upcoming elections in his country, if they finally take place, the countdown to regime change in the country has begun, and which in Turkey is extremely dangerous, especially in this bad period, after the deadly earthquakes and the attitude of the USA against Ankara.

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