Greek-Turkish Relations
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PENTAPOSTAGMA EXCLUSIVE: Turkey continues challenging Greek sovereign rights and sovereignty

Confirming beyond any doubt the opinion that even if you give your hand to the neighbor to the east to help him you should be prepared to lose it, Turkey not only does not tone down its revisionist policy towards Greece but continues it at the same pace.


Ankara, after raising the issue of the demilitarization of Ikaria shortly before noon today on the occasion of a Greek exercise, asked without any hesitation in substance from Athens not to conduct its own aeronautical exercise tomorrow south of Ai Stratis and west of Lesbos, as reported by its hydrographic station Smyrna, the area occupied by the Greeks covers an area where Turkish forces exercise all year round (occupied with equally illegal NAVTEX).


At the same time, in addition to the area west of Lesbos that they committed 4 days ago for the February 16th, they proceeded to commit another area in the central Aegean a breath away from Andros, Tinos, Mykonos, Ikaria and Chios for a live fire exercise, tomorrow.

Meanwhile, with the American aircraft carrier "George Bush" moving east southeast of Rhodes, as the Pentapostagma has pointed out, Turkey did not accept to dock in any of its ports, according to information from military sources in the Eastern Mediterranean, the French aircraft carrier "Charles de Gaulle" is also expected.

First, the Pentapostagma revealed that from February 15 to 22, Rafale fighters of the French navy will exercise in 4 areas that Athens has pledged following a French request, around Crete.

According to the same sources, processes are underway for the Greek Armed Forces to participate in these exercises, which means that potentially the Greek Rafale will arrive east of the Karpathos in order to exercise together with the French, as two of these areas are in in the illegal Turkish-Libyan memorandum, sending yet another message against Turkish revisionism.

Turkey's 4th floating drilling rig, Abdulhamid Khan, remains in the port of Seleucia awaiting a new directive to seafarers that will send it somewhere in the Blue Motherland, as Turkish officials such as Turkey's Energy Minister have already reported in the recent past.


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