Greek-Turkish Relations
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With Bayraktar next to Imia and air battles, the Turks chase an "accident" in the Aegean

It seems that Turkey is determined to maintain the tension in the Aegean and beyond. For several hours two Turks drones flew near Imia scanning the area but without entering the Athens FIR.

At the same time and without any planned exercise yesterday and today, Ankara sent fighters to the Aegean, armed and determined to engage the Greeks, seeking even an accident.


This was shown by the fact that yesterday out of the 18, 16 were armed and out of the 65 violations the fighters made only 18, which shows that they entered the Aegean not to challenge Greek sovereignty with violations but to engage in air battles.

The same pattern was followed by Turkey today sending 16 of its fighters to the Aegean recording 3 engagements, 48 ​​violations of the EEC of which 10 of the fighters of which 8 were armed.


Turkey appears to have been alarmed by the USA-Israeli air exercise south of Cyprus as it sent its flying radar to fly illegally into the Nicosia FIR in order to gather information. Dozens of fighters from the American aircraft carrier, several flying tankers, some of which took off from Souda, at least one B-52 strategic bomber that passed through the Athens FIR, but also an RC-135 electronic warfare aircraft exercised together with the Israeli Armed Forces over the territory of Israel but also in the maritime area south of Cyprus.

It is typical that the Israeli Air Force, in a series of posts on social media, announced the following:

"The Juniper Oak exercise started today (Sunday) together with the Central Command of the USΑ Armed Forces. The exercise will test joint Israeli-American readiness and improve operational relations between the two militaries. The ground forces will conduct a joint exercise involving maneuvers and the launch of dozens of rockets, during which long-range rockets will be fired from the US HIMARS system and from Israeli launchers.

The exercise will be visited by senior commanders of the USA Army's Central Command. This is yet another layer that reinforces the multifaceted and international methods of action between militaries to address diverse threats in the region.

Heavy movement of security forces will be felt across the country and echoes of explosions will be heard in the southern region. The exercise will simulate target engagement and practice complex maneuvers in conjunction with common communication, command and control systems. The missile ships and a submarine of the naval arm will conduct a joint naval maneuver, along with a US aircraft carrier. In addition, the refueling of the Sa'ar 5 missile ships will be carried out in the middle of the sea, by a USA tanker, to extend the range and operational areas of the Israeli Armed Forces in routine and emergency situations.

During the exercise, Israeli and USA air, naval and ground forces will engage targets that simulate maritime threats.

The Israeli and USA air forces will practice with various types of warplanes, transport aircraft, rescue and rescue helicopters, as well as UAVs, reconnaissance aircraft and USA heavy bombers, and will even drop live weapons in the south of the country.

In addition, the exercise will involve Israeli Ram refueling planes and future IDF refueling aircraft, American KC46 heavy tankers, which will refuel the fighter jets and bombers together.

Unleash what's in the back of their minds

The developments in NATO made Erdogan's government partner declare that Turkey can do without it! "If there are those who want to open a debate on Turkey's participation in NATO, let them do it, we were not born with NATO, thank God we will not die without NATO" he said characteristically.

In Athens, both the outgoing and the new Navy chief sent messages of strength and deterrence to the neighboring country.

"Any adviser to them (of sovereignty and sovereign rights) must think seriously before questioning the sovereignty and sovereign rights of our Homeland" said the new AGEN Vice Admiral Ioannis Drimousis while the outgoing AGEN Admiral Stylianos Petrakis emphasized: "In recent years the Navy was at the center of the deterrence against the escalating revisionism of the neighbor, having to counteract chronic pathologies related to the age of the material, the extremely high maintenance requirements of the means of the Fleet as well as the deficiencies and aging of its personnel. Despite the difficulties, the Navy successfully met every challenge culminating in the summer of 2020, thanks to its personnel. The purpose of each journey is fulfilled by its successful completion. So today I am overwhelmed with joy, pride and blessing at the same time, because I can declare before you at this time that my mission has been fulfilled".


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