Greek-Turkish Relations
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Former head of the turkish air force: The Greeks will have the upper hand in fighter jets

It seems that there is someone in Turkey who can clearly see that we have the upper hand over the Turks!

In an interview with the Turkish newspaper Hurriyet, the former head of the Turkish Air Force, Abdin Unal, expresses concern about the fact that Greece will gain air superiority in 2025-2026.

"The Greek Rafale, F-16 VIPER, are changing the balance. We need to modernize our F-16s immediately. The Greek F-35s will already see us before we see them" he says.

Unal said: "If our plan to buy 40 new VIPER-capable F-16s and modernize our 80 F-16s in our inventory fails, and Greece carries out all three plans, i.e. completes the F-16 modernization and the purchase of the Rafale and also buy the F-35, then in this case when we get to 2025-2026, the Greek side will have the upper hand in fighter aircraft.

The F-35 because of its low visibility capability, sees before it's seen... This gives an advantage in the air campaign environment:

The Rafale and F-16/VIPER balance each other out. Because both have 4.5 generation capabilities. The problem here is with the 5th generation F-35s. In this case, a 5th generation aircraft will be in the hands of the Hellenic Air Force, which becomes an advantage for Greece.

That is, if we cannot modernize the F-16s, then operational superiority in the context of combat aircraft will pass into the hands of the other side."

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