Antarctic Snow Cruiser
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The short story of the American Antarctic Snow Cruiser

Antarctic Snow Carrier was a vehicle that was designed and produced between 1937 and 1939 by the American Thomas Poulter. The vehicle was part of the US attempt to build military bases in the Antarctic between 1939 and 1941. Antarctic Snow Carrier was also called “The Penguin 1" or “Turtle”.


A snow Carrier was built to transport materials and personnel during the building of facilities in the area. However, the vehicle didn't achieve to perform as hoped. The most important issue was its tires. They were so smooth that the vehicle had almost zero stability when moving on snow. 

Ultimately, the vehicle just was abandoned in the Arctic, where it was found in 1958 under the snow. But, there weren't serious efforts to bring it back to life and the vehicle was lost again and forever. 

Some interesting facts about the Snow Carrier were the fact that it had special space for transporting a Beechcraft Model 17 Staggerwing biplane. The aircraft could carry up to 5 passengers. Internally, it had space that could provide anything for long-range missions and trips.



Antarctic Snow Cruiser
Antarctic Snow Cruiser
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