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Could Stalin stop the Nazi army if Allies had lost on D-Day?

What would happen if Allies had failed in the Normandy landings? Could Stalin stop Germans, and if yes, where?

Of course no answer can be absolute as we are talking about hypothetical scenarios of past. But, an interesting answer can be given based on Stalin's diary. 

The Soviet president wrote specifically that he would have stopped German in the Vistula river. We can see the exact location in an image. 


Stalin knew that his army numbers weren't enough (during 1944) to hold the conquered lands for long. Even if his army was capable to push into Polish grounds, he didn't order it for this exact reason.

So basically Stalin knew that could reach up to Berlin, but he was also aware about the fact that they couldn't take advantage of the lands till there. The casualties would be huge, that's why the Red Army would have stopped in Poland if Allies had lost. In Poland, they would offer peace to Nazis. The cost for something better was considered extremely high…



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