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The 155mm howitzer of the US Army can now kill in longer range!

For decades, the self-propelled 155m howitzers of the US army couldn't achieve a range longer than 30 to 40km, until now. 


The latest years, the US Army has extended greatly the range of its GPS-guided precision shells, with the help of the Extended Range Cannon Artillery program. 
The 155mm Paladin howitzers receive now the 70km upgrade of the program, and they will be ready for future fights. 
The weapons of the program include the chassis, the ammunition, and the fire control systems of the Paladin PIM with a longer, 58-caliber howitzer. The new weapon has double the range of the previous one and is looking really promising. PIM can shoot precision shells, take on extra armor and receive better electronics. Plus, it can be integrated into future data networks.  
The current M109A6 howitzers fleet was designed during the '50s and can't provide protection or mobility in 2022. That's why officials believe PIM is necessary. 


The US Army plans to develop a new type of ammunition for the 155mm howitzers. These new shells will be effective against different types of targets. It's possible that the new weapon will be more powerful than the Javelin missile (4km), the TOW missile (3km), and the anti-tank Excalibur shells (30km).



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