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How the US Navy plans to win future wars

The US Army is aware of the great dangers included in a possible military conflict with China. Although, the US Navy has been thinking about how to defend against long-range threats, like anti-ship missiles.
“Sensors everywhere, advanced battle network and weapons of long-range and speed have led us to a more dispersed type of battle,” Michael Gilday, Chief of Naval Operations said.  


They tend to equip the fleet with weapons of a longer range is a priority of the US Navy for years. Since 2015, the Navy announced the Distributed Lethality strategy, a program that includes equipping ships with long-range weapons. Some of these weapons are the Hellfire and the NSM missiles.  
Defense weapons have also been upgraded in order to extend their interception range and their precision. A good example is the Evolved Sparrow Block 2 missiles and the interceptor SeaRAM.  
Although, long-range weapons are not the only concern for the Navy. The US wants to build a qualitative battle network that will feature a strong connection between platforms and weapon systems. 
“Our ideas need platforms, weapons, and sensors connected to the strong Naval Operational Architecture that is integrated to the Joint All-Domain Command and Control,” Gilday said. 


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