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Turkish general: "The US is about to order black operations against Erdogan!"

A Turkish general spoke about the US stance on Turkey and the current Erdogan regime in relation to the Russian S-400 missiles.

Ihsan Bashbozkurt, a retired general, is convinced that by taking advantage of the pandemic and the economic crisis, the United States will put even more pressure on Turkey and conduct black operations inside the country, which is why Ankara should "stay ready".

"So the problem is not the S-400 missiles for the US, but it is a policy targeting the regime. It is our independence. We must make it clear that we will not apologize for the Russian missiles. We needed this weapon system and we acquired it to ensure our safety when deemed necessary. "

He stressed that "similar precedents existed when Turkey tried to buy Chinese technologies and anti-aircraft missiles.

Following a coordinated US campaign, Beijing suspended formal defense co-operation with Ankara.

There are people who serve American interests in all areas. The problems in relations with the United States clearly concern Washington's efforts to take control of Turkish policy, including the destabilization of its borders and the financing of armed terrorist groups inside Turkey.

We know why we bought the S-400. We needed an air defense system. The country did not have a long-distance and high-altitude defense system. "The purchase of the S-400 not only improved safety, but also became an important political move," he said.

According to him, the rapprochement of Ankara and Moscow, the purchase of gas from Russia, the gas pipelines, the construction of the Akuyu nuclear power plant, the Astana process together with the Turkish military activity in Syria and Libya, are very worrying for the United States.

"They know that if they do not prevent it now, then later they will find themselves in a difficult situation," he concluded.

The West is preparing to intervene against the Erdogan regime as it will drag Turkey to the East, causing huge problems throughout NATO's equilibrium system.

The pandemic, the economic crisis, the US sanctions along with unemployment and the rest of the problems inside the turkish "democracy" are a time bomb that will sooner or later explode in the neighboring country.

That is why Erdogan is causing tension in the Aegean in an attempt to provoke Greece as well, causing even more damage to the alliance.

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