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India is stepping up for an alliance against Turkey: Narendra Modi thanks Greece, France, UAE

For a few days now, the French have been launching international exercises aimed at demonstrating air power in every corner of the globe. So they have already conducted exercises in India, in Egypt in the United Arab Emirates and so on.


The interesting thing is that they call their exercises in every country they do "Skyros". That is, India-Skyros, Egypt-Skyros etc. The "Skyros" exercise is also coming to Greece.

Four French Rafale (F-3) will land not in Skyros, as one would expect, but in Tanagra, followed by a transport aircraft and an air refueling aircraft, a total of 72 people.

But the important thing is that India received three Rafale a few days ago. These fighters were refueled in the air by the United Arab Emirates (UAE) Air Force and specifically by the Airbus KC-30A MRTT.

In fact, the Indian Rafale was supplied over Greece by the Airbus KC-30A MRTT of the UAE.

This move delighted the Indian Prime Minister and in a video that Pentapostagma publishes first in Greece, Narendra Modi thanks France, the UAE and Greece. The reference to Greece is made at 0:33. He even mentioned that the countries mentioned must strengthen their relations!

The video was sent by a colleague from India and we thank her!

For months now, we have had a France-India-UAE axis. This axis could be beneficial mainly for Greece.

Athens and New Delhi must be contacted immediately. In fact, yesterday, the Prime Minister of India had a telephone conversation with Prince Mohamed bin Zayed of the UAE.

At the same time, we have another serious development. The Greek and Armenian lobbies in the US will cooperate with the Indian. In short, the expatriates of the three countries join forces against Turkey.


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