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The Best Roulette Strategies Exemplified

When players think about learning betting strategies, they are on the right track. Wanting to know more to gain more is the way to success, and this mindset works in casinos too. Roulette strategies have been around for centuries. Although, at first, these were used for other purposes in the 18th century, the brightest minds started visualising them on the roulette table. 

Some took mathematical sequels, some invented intuitive methods to keep their money, and others just twisted or rented ideas from other domains. Let’s see the best strategies for online and offline roulette. 

Martingale Roulette 

The Martingale strategy is roulette’s oldest and most popular betting system. Its origins can be traced back to 18th-century France, where it was used in a similar form by gamblers playing a game called “coin flipping.”

The idea behind it is to double the size of your bet after every missed wager, aiming to recover your losses and make a profit when you eventually win. By following this logic, if you continue to double your bet after every loss, you will ultimately win a hand, recoup all of your losses, and make a medium size profit.

As stated by casino expert Tudor Turiceanu, the Martingale Roulette betting system has probabilistic and statistical backing. Moreover, it showed consistent results for even-money bets, such as red/black or odd/even, where the odds of winning are close to 50/50. You can try using Martingale for other types of bets, such as singles or groups, but your chances of winning are not that good. 

You must consider the table’s limits before starting your system because if you’re unlucky enough to reach the loss limit before winning, you won’t be able to keep doubling. 

Example of Roulette bet with Martingale 

Let’s say you want to use the Martingale strategy in a roulette game, betting on black. The minimum bet at the table is $1, and you start with a $4 bet on black. You lose, so you have to double it to $8. 

You lose again and bet $16. The fourth bet is lucky, and you win on a $32 bet. The payout is 1:1. So you win an additional $32, meaning you get $64 for a total of $60 in previous bets. 

The Reverse Martingale System

As the name indicates, the next betting strategy has its roots in the first but changes it. This method makes more sense for more players because they get to double their winning hands and focus only on that. 

So, if you follow this system, you double your sum every time you win. This also implicates numerous lucky spins, but the results are, in theory, better because you focus on winning. While the Reverse Martingale strategy can be effective in the short term, it has several associated limitations and risks. One primary risk is that if you hit a losing streak, you can quickly lose your entire bankroll, as you are increasing your bet size after every win. 

The Reverse Martingale method explained 

This time you’re betting on odd numbers, and your starting stake is $4. You bet $4, and you win them. You also win your second bet with $8 and the third with $16. You double and lose $32. So far, you have got $56 and lost $32, meaning after four rounds, you got $24.

The James Bond Strategy 

This method works if you have $200 for each round, no time to waste, and want to have fun. You must unequally divide the $200 into three bets. The first is $10 on the single zero pockets and $50 on any number you want between 13-18 (including them). Lastly, you wager the remaining $140 on any high number between 19 and 36. The only numbers not covered by this strategy are the low numbers (1-12).

For the number covered by the $50 and $140 wagers, you will win a 1:1 bet meaning $100 and $280. If the ball lands on the 0 pocket, you will win $160. However, if the ball lands on any other number, you will lose all three bets and be down $100.

The strategy implicates numerous ifs and requires some skills and enough funds. The James Bond betting system is more suitable for advanced gamblers. 

Final take

There are dozens of roulette strategies available for all levels. D’Alembert and Fibonacci also talk about doubling or constantly increasing your bet by following rules. Others just bet $1 on each number to be sure they win each spin. The strategy you pick allows you to increase your winning odds but doesn’t guarantee a 100% victory chance every time you play. 

The point is to start slow and give yourself time to assimilate the information. You must also take care of your mental health and ensure that gambling doesn’t take over your life. Learn the strategies 

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