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Moscow slams Turkey-US: ''The military drills in the Black Sea target Russia''

Ankara has once again turned to the USA and this has not escaped the "antennas" of the Russians, who directly blamed Ankara for the first time for the exercises with American ships in the Black Sea.

During a briefing yesterday, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said that US-Turkish naval exercises in Black Sea waters were clearly aimed against Russia.

"It is clear to everyone that NATO military exercises are against Russia. Western powers are moving close to Russia's borders, threatening peace and stability.

One gets the impression that the United States Sixth Fleet is in a hurry to find the enemy in the Black Sea.

Pentagon and State Department officials have made provocative statements about it.

"Washington and its allies are supposed to help strengthen security in Europe," Zakharova said, adding that "Washington must be careful about Kiev implementing the Minsk agreements on strengthening security in Europe."

We remind you that a few days ago the Russian embassy had issued an announcement about the Turkish-US movements in the region.

Russia and Turkey have been moving on razor's edge for a long time and at some point we will observe its side effects in relations in Syria, Libya and especially in the Black Sea region.

The Turks, as it seems, are giving their all to receive the American F-35 fighters, and in this endeavor they will almost certainly challenge Moscow, as it is now clear that Ankara cannot play games with the US-Russia at the same time and will be forced to choose a side soon.

Anxiety for Turkey-Russia relations in Syria

Russia has begun developing additional aircraft in Syria. Several hours ago, a Tu-154 with a group of Russian fighter jets landed at Khmeimim Air Base in Syria.

It was initially thought that this was another exchange of aircraft, however, Russian sources note that in fact, Russia is sending additional forces to Syria, possibly against the backdrop of Turkish aggression against the Russian and Syrian armies.

The exact composition of the Russian aircraft that arrived or will arrive at Khmeimim air base remains unknown, however, there is unconfirmed information that we are talking about four aircraft, which are supposed to be used against Islamist terrorists in northern and northwestern Syria, where the Jihadists there are controlled by Turkish tactical forces.

What is quite remarkable is that a few hours before the arrival of the Russian fighter jet group in Syria, the Syrian media reported the advance of a Russian army team in al-Bab, which is under the control of jihadists and the Turkish army, which does not even rule out the possibility of skirmishes between the two sides.

Taking into account the data of the Syrian center, a few hours ago, suspicious activity of Russian fighter jets was observed in the airspace over northwestern Syria, while no information about attacks has yet appeared.

The assessment of many experts converges on a possible rupture of Russian-Turkish relations relatively soon for many different reasons, but mainly due to the change of attitude of Turkey due to the US, which requires specific things from Ankara for the Mediterranean, but also in Libya and Syria.

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