
The "liberal elite" will soon try to replace Putin, Russian experts claim

Strange scenarios are brought to the surface by Russian journalistic sources about the real situation in Russia, but also about the future of Putin, who has been in power for more than 20 years.

We are talking about unexpected developments that are predicted in Russia in the summer or early September due to the poor economic situation and other factors.

Russian economist Mikhail Kazin made an unexpected statement saying that "at the end of the summer or the beginning of autumn of this year, Russia's liberal elites will try to remove Vladimir Putin from the presidency of the country."

This is really the first time we have read something similar from Russian experts close to the regime, in an unexpected but possible development that may be waiting for the Russian president.

The Russian expert shared this script with thousands of viewers of the YouTube channel Aurora.

Kazin believes that representatives of international giants and domestic companies are interested in changing the course of the country, and most likely organizing a "coup" to the current Putin regime.

In his opinion, the most favorable situation for such radical moves may appear in late summer or early autumn 2021.

"Scenarios want Putin to go through a very difficult summer that will last until the beginning of autumn," said the Russian expert.

The expert believes that representatives of the liberal elite can try to take advantage of the difficult economic situation in Russia.

"We remind you that many people in the country are watching the constant rise in prices and the parallel fall in wages, which in combination with recent political events (Navalny arrest), may push some large sections of Russian society to" shake the waters", worsening the situation in the country and expelling the unwanted Putin from the presidency.

Mr Kazin recalled that in a sense a similar situation developed last spring when local officials refused to comply with instructions from the central government on payments to the population as part of aid to coronavirus victims.

The money was then given by Moscow and the deterioration of the situation has been avoided for the time being.

The assessment of the Russian expert is not the only one, since we have a bad surrounding atmosphere that has provoked many reactions to the general policy of the Russian president for at least two years.

It is estimated that a large part of the Russian elite does not take kindly to their president's lycophilia with the Erdogan regime in Turkey, as it has yielded nothing substantial, either economically or in other areas.

Insults, neo-Ottoman arrogance, challenges are the main menu of the Turks to the Russians.

From the downing of the Russian fighter jet in Syria in 2015 to the Ottoman map that includes Russian territory, and the denial of Russian sovereignty over Crimea, they themselves consider Ankara to be playing Moscow in the most shadowy way.

Finally, it is understandable that Putin has been in power for many years, having suffered from the well-known "political disease" that afflicts all leaders who exercise power for a long time, losing touch with the world.

That is why, and most likely given the country's economic woes, the Russian elite that brought Putin to power will "replace" him to save the party.

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