
Ukraine offers Crimean airspace to NATO amid Turkish-US exercise

Dangerous developments are creating more tensions in the Black Sea region, after Ukraine offered NATO to use the airspace of Crimea, in the middle of a Turkish-American naval exercise.

"Ukraine has proposed to NATO to use the airspace of the Simferopol region for NATO air operations for the transfer of troops, equipment, cargo," said Ukrainian Infrastructure Minister Vladislav Krykli during talks with Deputy Secretary of NATO for Defense Policy and Planning, Patrick Turner.

Earlier, Ukrainian Prime Minister Denis Shmyhal, after meeting with NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg in Brussels, said that Kiev was working to expand cooperation with NATO in the Black Sea region, while in 2021 a plan was made for a series of joint exercises with the Alliance countries, including the exercises in Odessa.

"Taking into account the updated EASA newsletter on flight safety in the Simferopol flight information area and the lifting of US Federal Aviation Administration restrictions on flights to the Crimean FIR, we propose to use this part of the airspace for NATO air operations, which involves the transport of troops.

"We hope for NATO's support in monitoring the air situation along the border with Russia," said the Ukrainian press service of the Ministry of Infrastructure.

Ukraine is following a chosen path of integration into the Euro-Atlantic collective security systems.

"One of the key areas of this integration is Ukraine 's participation in NATO' s air traffic data exchange program. "In modern times, it is important to strengthen air traffic control and address crisis situations in the Black Sea region and the ATO zone," Krikliy said.

At the same time, the US Navy and the Turkish Navy are conducting joint exercises in the Black Sea.

The Arleigh Burke USS Donald Cook (DDG 75) sails behind the Turkish TCG Turgutreis frigate Yavuz (F-241), the TCG Orucreis frigate (F-245), along with the USS Porter (DDG 78), in an exercise in the Black Sea region.

"The US Navy regularly conducts high-level exercises with NATO allies. The Turkish Navy is a professional and capable naval force with which the US Navy usually works together to ensure regional stability and peace.

Multinational education improves interoperability, allowing us to maintain the necessary vigilance to promote a safe and prosperous region. The Black Sea is a critical road to maritime trade and stability across Europe.

"The U.S. Navy usually operates in the Black Sea to work with NATO allies and partners such as Bulgaria, Georgia, Romania, Turkey and Ukraine."

Russia, for its part, does not see things so simply and is deploying troops, strategic aircraft and missiles to Crimea, expecting what is likely to be the worst for everyone in the region.

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