Crimea, russian nuclear warheads
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Russia targets Black Sea & Bosphorus strait, developing nuclear weapons “just in case”

Moscow, having its own timeless geopolitical plans, knows that the West has already targeted the Black Sea and the Bosphorus with the aim of free passage of the Russian merchant and military fleet, so it is preparing its own "nuclear-type" response if required.

Furthermore, the Russians know that the Erdogan regime is under a lot of pressure both at home and abroad, and we will probably see rapid developments in the coming months. So rapid that they could even mean the fall of "friend" Erdogan and the regime's cold with unpredictable consequences for the region as far as the Caucasus.

"Russia is preparing for the development of nuclear weapons on the territory of Crimea. Russia's preparation for the development of nuclear weapons in this region poses a serious threat to the whole of Europe and the civilized world.

"The attempt of the Russian Federation to claim sovereignty in the Black Sea basin is a major threat to the economies of Ukraine, Turkey and other European countries," said Ukrainian Defense Minister Andriy Taran on December 18, 2020.

Bohdan Ustymenko, an expert on international maritime law and deputy head of Ukraine's state hydrographic service, said that many facts confirm that Russian nuclear weapons have long existed in Crimea and the Black Sea.

"On January 26, 2015, the Russian newspaper Gazeta.Ru then reported on the formation in Crimea of ​​a 12th Army (12th GU MO) ground command, which was tasked with maintaining the nuclear arsenal.

"The head of the 12th GU MO administration, Yuri Sych, later confirmed to reporters that the aforementioned unit had been set up in Crimea," said Bohdan Ustymenko.

Crimea, Russia, nuclear weapons

One of the leaders of the Turkish-speaking Crimean Tatar movement, Mustafa Dzhimeliev, had also said that Russian specialists were working around the clock to restore a nuclear weapons storage facility at the military base between the Sudak and K areas.

Dzhemilev spoke of the facility, which in Soviet times was called Feodosia-13 and was a personal achievement of Stalin's "dark" adviser L. Beria.

The expert recalled that the intelligence service of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine found that since August 2017, vehicles, transport aircraft, warships and submarines with nuclear weapons were occasionally moving on the Crimean peninsula.

"The Ukrainian volunteer information community InformNapalm and well-known expert Andriy Klymenko also mentioned the restoration of the nuclear weapons storage facility and the presence of nuclear delivery vehicles in Crimea," said Bohdan Ustymenko.

It is to be reminded that nuclear weapons are divided into strategic and regular.

Strategic nuclear weapons include intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs), submarine-launched ballistic missiles (SLBMs) ​​and airborne weapons. Regular nuclear weapons are not as powerful as strategic ones and are intended for ground combat.

At the same time, they are much more difficult to detect than strategic ones, as they use the same control systems as conventional land-based weapons systems.

According to Bohdan Ustymenko, regular nuclear weapons have probably been in Sevastopol Bay for a long time, targeting the Bosphorus.

According to the expert, this data, makes possible to believe that Russian nuclear weapons are found both on land in the Crimea and in the waters of the Black Sea.

As many Russian officials have repeatedly pointed out, if anyone tries to close the Bosphorus strait, or threatens Russia from the Black Sea, then a huge "fire" will break out against them, which will destroy everything.

The point is that the Russians probably know something important about Turkey, which will take place in the near future, just as they knew about the failed Turkish coup, and "helped" the Turkish regime according to Erdogan, even though they had just lost one of their aircraft by Turkish fighters in Syria.

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