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Turks in shock: The state of Kurdistan is already forming in northern Syria

Former American national security adviser and "hawk" of the deep American state revealed the de facto decision to create the state of Kurdistan, against the Turkey-Iran alliance, which is in motion and is already being implemented by the USA in northern Syria.

The well-known retired Turkish general Ismail Haki Pekin (former head of the Turkish military intelligence service) recently stated that the "Kurdish Autonomous Region" is already being established in northern Syria, while the so-called Kurdish federation will be established in the next 10 years.

It is a federation that started with the "Kurdish Autonomous Zone" with the help of the new US government, he stressed.

Tensions between the Syrian army and YPG Kurds in the western cities of Qamishli and Hasakah continue unabated. Threats and attacks also continue on the M4 road connecting Syria with Turkey.

Developments in the Rojava region are vital to the future of the Kurds

The Turkish general states that while Russia and Syria oppose these plans, the Kurds of Turkey and Iran have also taken a unanimous decision on the issue. According to Russian media reports, the basis of the clashes in the area is the control of the M4 motorway.

Ismail Haki is closely following developments in Syria and Rojava, stressing that it is a crossroads leading to the Mediterranean, including Turkey, which the Kurds and the United States want to control at all costs.

Stating that clashes between the Syrian army and the PYD / YPG are very frequent, Haki noted that the occupation of the M4 motorway means increasing trade control and ensuring uninterrupted communication.

"The YPG Kurds have the unconditional support of the United States" against Syria, Russia and Iran. "This is a clear alliance against Turkey, which could bring an end to my country."

However, Haki has doubts about reaching a consensus on the issue. "How will the future of Syria be shaped?" he answered the question by saying that "let's see Syria 10 years later" as a "federation", in which there will be a "Kurdish autonomous region" within this federation. "So we will see how other regions (Turkey-Iran) will be formed," he added.

According to Haki , Russia is in favor of a loose federation in Syria that will be controlled by the Damascus government, while the US is working for a "stronger autonomous Kurdish region" as they are doing in the region of Iraqi Kurdistan.

Experts estimate that the time horizon set by the Turkish top officer is huge, because there is always the case of generalized conflicts that determine the new developments in the Middle East, with all possibilities being wide open.

We remind you that the "Kurdistan State" plan will include the Turkish region of Diyarbakir, which will be united with the Kurdish regions of northern Iraq and Syria, leading to the establishment of an independent Kurdish state with access to the sea, huge oil resources and a unequivocal orientation in favor of America and Israel.

The new state, along with the state of Israel, would be a stabilizing factor in the Middle East, and according to Western sources, a new Kurdish government is ready in the region, near a US facility.

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