Ένοπλες Συρράξεις

Turkey to help Ukraine in upcoming Donetsk war with weapons and satellites

Washington is preparing to send military supplies to its partners, including Ukraine, according to Russian news sources. US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken has assured his Ukrainian counterpart Dmitro Kuleba that the White House intends to supply lethal weapons to the Ukrainian army.

According to the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry, the conversation took place on February 1. The ministry noted that the new US administration intends to send additional funds for financial and military support to Ukraine.

Large-scale deliveries of military aid to the Ukrainian Armed Forces began in the summer of 2014. For six years, Kiev received large shipments of military uniforms and other military equipment from US reserves. Also, "Humvees" armored vehicles and American weapons systems were put into operation by the Ukrainian army.

In the spring of 2018, Ukraine received the first batch of lethal weapons, with 31 Javelin anti-tank missile launchers. Additional batches of anti-tank missiles were delivered in 2019 and 2020.

As noted by Russian military expert Aleksey Valyuzhenich, new defense supplies from the United States to Ukraine may include high-tech weapons. According to the expert, Kiev's military preparations threaten to resume the conflict in Donetsk in the near future.

"The situation has long led to the fact that Ukraine will resume the war in Donetsk. I think they were very inspired by the example of Karabakh, a very fast-paced war, with the suppression of the enemy being achieved by the use of modern technologies and numerical superiority.

They are actively considering Turkish unmanned aerial vehicles Bayraktar, but this is just the tip of the iceberg. They need high-tech ammunition, guided missiles with a range of 2-3 kilometers, bombs with laser targeting system.

I therefore believe that these supplies are the first priority for Kiev. It is estimated that the second part of the war in Donetsk is about to begin.

Ukraine has recently embarked on a path to expand its satellite system. The question is why? They already have a satellite. They plan to launch one more. There is information that the United States, Britain, and Turkey itself will help the Ukrainians with both technology and the provision of satellite images 24 hours a day.

Then the next stage is the modernization of the Ukrainian Air Force. Apart from ammunition, what else could be of interest to Ukraine?

Most likely, the Turks will provide them with anti-tank weapons, guided missiles and bombs, and much more. "But all this wealth must be learned in return for Turkey," said the Russian expert.

Sources said that the Ukrainian armed forces are preparing to invade Donetsk with the participation of Turkish UAVs, MLRS and armored vehicles.

In the context of the developments in Nagorno-Karabakh, it is known that Ukraine and Turkey have reached a defense agreement to ensure the security of the Black Sea region and the Sea of ​​Azov (Crimea), threfore inevitably confronting Russia.

Ankara is moving into Ukrainian territory with the sole purpose of controlling the country's Tatars.

On the other hand, the leadership of the Russian forces in the territory of Donetsk and the Lugansk region has intensified the inspections of its forces, expecting serious developments that even foretell of a repeat of heavy hostilities in the region.

*Edited by Evangelos D. Kokkinos

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