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The curious friends of the Serbian president and his relationship with Erdogan

There is a lot of social fire and rage in Serbia now. They directly accuse Serbian President Aleksandar Vuςic, of being guided not by any national ideology, but by simple material interests, as evidenced by the "colorful" line of his "friends" ranging from extremist nationalists such as Erdogan (who directly threatens Greece), to the toughest neoliberals in the EU.

Vuςic, say his critics, "sees all of them as close associates and friends of Serbia, who in fact wish us good luck and prosperity, but of course mean other things.

First on Vucic's list is Recep Tayyip Erdogan, President of Turkey.

"Erdogan is the most worthy of approaching and building bridges in the Balkans," Aleksandar Vucic said relatively recently, adding that the Turkish president is a friend of Serbia.

"But here is what really sets Erdogan apart as a 'friend' of Serbia. The Turkish president has invaded Syria, Iraq, Libya, Nagorno Karabakh and elsewhere.

In August last year, when he issued a decree to convert Hagia Sophia into a mosque, Erdogan told us that Sultan Mehmet II the Conqueror (of Constantinople in 1453) was the leader of all Orthodox Christians.

Erdogan's policy is aimed at creating a huge Turkey, which includes the Balkans.

"This is a Turkey that is not so oriented to the West, but is about reviving the imperial grandeur of the Ottoman Empire," said Guenter Seifert, an expert on Turkey.

"While all countries, especially Greece, feel the danger posed by this neo-Ottoman policy of Erdogan, Vucic tells us that he is always happy when he can host him," he said.

The next "friend" of Serbian President A. Vucic is Viktor Orban, the Prime Minister of Hungary.

"Vucic constantly points out that relations between Serbia and Hungary have never been better than they are today, as they are at their historic peak.

However, his "big friend" Orban does not believe this. In May last year, while congratulating Hungarian graduates on the history exams at the University of Budapest, Orban published a map of Greater Hungary, which included parts of Serbia and more specifically the province of Vojvodina.

"The media close to the Serbian president has remained silent about this act," the expert said.

The Serbian president's third "friend" is G. Schroeder, a former German chancellor who ruled Germany during NATO's 1999 invasion of Yugoslavia.

On September 21, 2000, a Belgrade court convicted 14 Western European leaders, including Schroeder, of inciting war of aggression, violating territorial integrity and attempting to assassinate officials, committing war crimes against civilians.

However, A. Voucic on the show "irilirica" ​​stated that the former German Chancellor G. Schroeder, who had meanwhile become his great friend, did not take an active part in the bombing of Yugoslavia, but only politically supported the NATO attack.

"Dear fellow citizens, tonight NATO launched air strikes on military targets in Yugoslavia," Schroeder told the German nation on March 24, 1999.

The German politician himself has written in his memoirs that he was convinced that it was necessary for Germany to take an active part in this attack (Serbia).

The Serbian general, Spasoje Smiljanic, in his book "NATO Aggression", notes the following about that period:

"To humiliate Serbia to the end, Vucic called Schroeder on the 18th anniversary of the NATO invasion of Yugoslavia, where he told him that he considered him 'a great friend and a man who wants to help Serbia,'.

If these are all the "friends" of the President of Serbia Alexandar Vucic, then who are his enemies?

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