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This is France's plan to expel Turkish forces and jihadists from Libya

The biggest problem for the US and France in the Mediterranean is the presence of Turkish air bases and forces along with the 12-13 thousand Jihadists on Libyan soil.

According to Mary Fitzgerald, Libya expert and ICSR associate, the French president has a plan to "exterminate" Turks and jihadists from Libya, with the support of the United States, which demanded the withdrawal of all foreign forces a few days ago, in a significant shift in their foreign policy after the Trump era.

"Macron’s comments on Libya - stressing the need to ‘fix the Libyan situation’ by ‘getting rid’ of Turkish military forces in the country plus the ‘1000s of jihadists’ he says Turkey sent there - were right out of the Rajma playbook. No mention of Russia’s role in Libya backing Haftar" Fitzgerald wrote on twitter.

She expects a very tough confrontation between Turks and French starting from Libya and expanding to New York and Russia.

President Recep Tayyip Erdogan recently blamed the United States and France for their recent criticism of Turkey's stance on protests at Boğaziçi University in Constantinople (Istanbul).

Speaking to reporters after Friday prayers at the Hazreti Ali Mosque, Erdogan said the Boğaziçi incident could not be considered a mass student protest.

"There are no problems at the other 206 universities across the country, both in terms of education and infrastructure, but only Boğaziçi University has become an issue," he said. "They will not be able to turn the issue into something like the Gezi incidents," Erdogan said, reiterating that some politicians, such as the People's Democratic Party of the PKK (HDP), had taken advantage of the issue. "The United States and France are not in a position to interfere in Turkey's internal affairs," he said, referring to the current climate.

According to the Turkish Ministry of Defense, the Turks are currently training the Libyan military forces. "This concerns action under the military co-operation agreement reached between the two countries," the Turkish Defense Ministry explained in a statement on Twitter.

Images of the training have also been released, showing Libyan soldiers carrying out oxygen supply exercises, Libyan Coast Guard scenarios against suspected vessels and bases guarding bases.

The Turks' ultimate plan is to stay in this country forever, "milking" Libya's energy wealth for many, many years. But the US, France and the EU have other plans for this country along with Russia, and are preparing to intervene vigorously.

If one were to ask where a serious crisis in Turkey-West relations could start, the answer would be Libya. The main reason is the presence of huge gas fields on its shores and on land, as well as the Turkish penetration in North Africa that is contrary to French long-standing interests.

A possible scenario for the expulsion of Turks and Jihadists from Libyan territory would be a NATO-EU intervention with France on the frontlines for obvious reasons, mentioned above.

A defeat of the Turks in this country would mark the end of the Turkish presence in other countries such as Somalia, Syria and Karabakh in peculiar, yet possible, agreement between the Russians and the Americans.

Libya and its shores control the center of the Mediterranean, from where huge interests circulate, which certainly no one wants the Turks to control with two navals and one air base.

In this context, we have the formation of the Tahuba force, which consists of assets from France and other EU countries, and in which Greece may participate (more on that in upcoming articles and analysis).

The Tahuba is expected to become the "hybrid force" of the allied administration against the neo-Ottoman Turks in Africa and may expand to other regions such as the Middle East and South Caucasus, areas of critical interests for western forces, Russia and Greece.

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