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100 years of Communist Party of China – Mapping party’s global expansion

On 1st July 2021, China celebrated the 100th anniversary of founding of the Communist Party of China (CCP). A plethora of celebrations augmented the festivities of the great day of China. On 28th June, an art performance – ‘the great journey’, was held in Beijing, showcasing how the Chinese people have excelled in the past 100 years under the leadership of the Communist party.
On 30th June, an exhibition was held at the Nanhu Lake Revolution Museum in Jiaxing, Zhejiang province in eastern China, demonstrating and displaying Communist Party’s
great history and achievements. CCP was established by 13 men in 1921 & now 100 years after the organisation’s foundation, this single-party rules every dimension of life inside China. With over 92 million members, it stands at the position of the world’s biggest party.
But not just the Chinese citizens, this ambitious party seeks control over foreign lands, waters economy and people with the central objective of expansion of its influence and power, and basically running the world on China’s ideology.
For the world, the history of the Communist Party of China is a history of horrors. CCP uses its ideology of socialism, filled with Chinese characteristics, and coercive force to dominate. From 2010 onwards, China became the second-largest economy in the world an amassed a world-class military for itself. For its ‘China Dream’, the party has used multiple tactics over time under different leadership.
There is no opposition in China as being opposite to CCP means being an enemy of the state. China’s governmental system is extremely centralised. To make China great and supreme, CCP focusses on making the weak & small nations surrender to its territory by employing various methods.
The first and most predominant is by debt-trapping them. Beijing motivates States to get dependent by drawing them into exploitative loan agreements, dubious contracts with corrupt terms. This has happened to many nations including inter alia Sri Lanka, Nepal, Africa, Malaysia and Pakistan. China’s coercive actions in this regard involve secret negotiations with the debtor governments where the latter must hand over the projects to the state-owned Chinese companies that impose very steep prices than what would be charged in the open
When the countries are unable to meet their payment obligations, China traps them into making political and economical concessions. People’s Republic of China (PRC) has achieved its geostrategic aims under the Belt and Road initiative by using this debt-trap diplomacy whereby it has (re)drawn many maps.
Perhaps all societies are guilty of treating the ethnic minorities badly, but the ball really drops for China considering what really happens to minorities in China. Churches in China are under CCP’s control which requires that all religious institutions must formulate a democratic committee and among other members, CCP officials also become part of these committees which allow them to direct the decisions.

As part of Jinping’s plan of eradicating poverty, people are sent to ‘vocational training’ where they are taught to forswear ‘backward thinking’ and ‘negative effect of their
religion’ and are asked to learn the Chinese law and language. CCP leaders consider their belief to be supreme and frequently exercise restrictions on how minorities should express their religious faith in total disregard to the minorities personal system and belief.
For taming these minorities, another widely used fragment in this whole cycle is the practice of torture. China has snatched the most basic freedoms from the ethnic,
religious and linguistic minorities of Uighur and Tibet. More than half a million Tibetans, consisting of farmers mostly, were sent to labour camps ‘to reduce laziness’.
The violent struggles of Uyghur groups in the autonomous region of Xinjiang are evident since 2017 where China is detaining minorities in what it calls ‘re-education camps’ & where people in those camps are allegedly forced into labour, abortion, rape and torture. The world has termed this the ‘human rights genocide.’
CCP believes and runs on the theory of communism with ideals in place from Karl Marx to Vladimir Lenin and on to Mao Zedong and Xi Jinping. The leader of the party,
President Xi Jinping, proclaims China as ‘invincible.’ CCP is essentially an undemocratic state that does not swither from indulging in
coercive and harsh measures to keep its power. Like parents do to their children, it punishes all those who do not fall within its line of governing.
In addition to all this, to fulfil its expansionist goal, CCP also dismisses and systematically erases the political freedoms of other nations, as it has done in Hong Kong. The government of China has no regard for freedom of the sea and has undermined the free access of the South China Sea to other nations. The other cheap diplomatic trick used by CCP is to support the world’s bullies like North Korea, Iran
and Venezuela on international forums and partner with them to serve party motives. To extend its ideology and narrative, CCP, with time, has employed practices of propaganda news where the world is served a pre-cooked notion of what China is like.
The list of CCP’s dirty gimmicks is quite long, ranging from snatching cultures of other nations to threatening them into submission. Right to speech and expression has no place in the books of the world’s largest political party that uses nationalism as a means to instil fear and a bargaining chip in every negotiation.
It’s no secret that the Communist Party of China is a despotic and brutal government that exercise censorship at every step & its citizens are not allowed to breathe the air
that the party has not ‘sanctioned’. Global expansion of China means expanding the communist “red family.” The party has come too far in these 100 years. But it can be best judged by the party itself how far it has come achieving its goal of expansionism.
No government of the world has made more noises than China’s Communist party does. Any political party in the world is not free from criticism but, China’s Communist Party somehow always lands up at the negative end of the discussion. 

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