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US sets out intelligence to grill on China’s virus origin

More evidence than fake news to contest China’s bio-war emerges

By R. R. M. Lilani
in the backdrop of coronavirus (Covid19) has crippled half of the world while China has managed to keep its two power centres - Beijing and Shanghai safe from the pandemic, a fresh probe has been initiated by
US President Joe Biden whether China is on a ‘bio-war’ with the rest of the world. He wants the intelligence to get the report with the next 90
days. There are many reasons why China is linked to being engaging in an alleged bio-war going by the ground reality.
Firstly, whether the Covid-19 originated from the Wuhan’s wet market or the virus was leaked from the Wuhan lab accidentally, all roads lead
to China on the virus. It was in Wuhan 2019 when many began falling ill and dying on the streets it took the world by surprise. But this very fact has been downplayed by China. They began countering it on social media, news
and circulars that the virus did not originate from the Wuhan lab. At some point, China said it was in Italy. China cites that others are worried over Beijing’s regional dominance and becoming powerful superseding the other powerful nations including the US.
It was in Wuhan, people living in apartments who were infected by the virus. They could not come as Chinese authorities sealed their apartments due to the virus spread. The world heard them cry waving at people living outside. Those videos went viral but the rest of the world was watching them while doing their usual errands. Then the rest of the world crashed when covid19 hit. Wuhan city clamped down and cleaned up. Within few months, China was back to normalcy promoting businesses such as masks, medical gears, selling PCR machines and donating vaccines. They promoted their activities brushing all
allegations about the covid19 in Wuhan, aside. Secondly, the two top whistleblowers on the new virus were from
China. An eye doctor, Dr. Li Wenliang exposed the danger of the new virus and died ultimately due to covid19. He was hunted down by the Chinese authorities for spreading fake news. They made him sign a document to
say he committed an illegal act’.
The next was Dr. Li-Meng Yan who recently said it was a synthetic virus created in the lab in Wuhan. Several scientists from Johns Hopkins, Columbia and other leading American universities raised concerns
about the origin of the virus when Dr. Yan, published an explosive paper in 2020 September citing that China created the \ fatal covid19 in
a research lab. Dr. Yan, was a postdoctoral fellow at Hong Kong University but fled to the US fearing suppression. Dr. Yan claimed that she had conducted two pieces of research on the “new pneumonia” in China between December and early January 2020 and the second one in mid-January 2029, and shared the results with her supervisor, a World Health Organisation (WHO) consultant. But to her surprise, Yan’s supervisor has told her to ‘maintain silence or else she would be made to disappear’.

Like in movies, Dr. Yen secretly uploaded her reports on the Zenodo database that can instantly publish information without restrictions. She also feared the Chinese government would obstruct the publication of her work. Her academic critics, she argued, ‘will be proven wrong'. Thirdly, this week (May 31), a new 22-page paper written by authors namely British Professor Angus Dalgleish and Norwegian scientist Dr. Birger Sørensen said that the Chinese scientists took a natural coronavirus 'backbone' found in Chinese cave bats and spliced onto it a new 'spike', turning it into the deadly and highly transmissible COVID-

These scientists are set to be publishing their findings in the Quarterly Review of Biophysics Discovery soon. According to studies, it showed there's evidence to suggest Chinese scientists created the virus while working on a ‘Gain of Function Project’ at the Wuhan lab. They also said that the covid19 'has no credible natural ancestor'. Their allegations come amidst accusations of silencing and disappearance of scientists in China by the ruling Chinese Communist Party (CCP) who spoke about it.
They claimed that data on the virus was missing. “It was deliberate destruction, concealment or contamination of data' at Chinese labs.” Fourthly, a book that is about to be published named ‘What Really
Happened in Wuhan’, by an Australian investigative reporter Sharri Markson who writes for News Corp. She argued that ‘no scientific consensus that Covid-19 has a natural origin’ and that China has
conspired to cover up the truth. Her book would be based on evidence from a laboratory leak. Markson describes in her article is in fact based on the book that came out in
2015 which is ‘The Unnatural Origin of SARS and New Species of Man-Made Viruses as Genetic Bioweapons’, written by scientists from a military
university and civilian researchers in China. That book written by the Chinese researchers had claimed – that SARS had been weaponised by foreign countries and introduced to China.
They described some tips on how it would have been created, however,
it eventually retraced to China. The Chinese military book is now available online for $9.99 and continues to make waves. Many Chinese also claimed it was evidence that China was trying to turn the tables on its enemies in the murky field of bio-warfare. Markson claimed that the same book written by the Chinese military was evidence that senior Chinese scientists were training the military in biological warfare five years before the COVID-
19 outbreak.

As evidence are mounting, a fast-tracking denial campaign ventured by China. As Russia’s Vladimir Lenin had said ‘a lie told often enough, become the truth’, Chinese President Xi Jinping has used all of his
cronies, stooges, spies and those countries with whom China has deepened its connections, to favour them. Beijing has been using fake social media accounts to push its messages of ‘holier than thou’. China even enticed the US’ Facebook and many other social media platforms to ban news that China is the epicentre for the virus and it was manmade, but not anymore. Facebook last week, lifted the ban as considerable facts are emerging that the virus escaped from a Chinese
virology laboratory.

Also, the University of Oxford reported they have detected dozens of false accounts and coordinated amplification networks engaged in promoting messages from Chinese diplomats. A seven months
investigation by the University and Associated Press (AP) showed many accounts impersonating the UK citizens.
In Sri Lanka too, over 600 fake tweets and fake accounts to give maximum publicity to Chinese aid and promoting the Chinese government’s handling the covid19 in the mainland has been created
on Twitter. A Twitterati, Sanjana Hatttotuwa, on Twitter, pointed out 16 fake accounts most of them empty with vague or blank Twitter profiles all go onto ‘like’ the Chinese Embassy in Colombo accounts’ tweets and re-
tweets whatever they are about. He goes on to say a far more comprehensive investigation into China’s propaganda efforts on social media suggests Sri Lanka operates very much part of a global game.
The monumental shreds of evidence pose the question of why not a single known Chinese high-ranking official at least tested positive of the
deadly virus while the virus has ruined others. Donald Trump, UK Prime Minister, Prince Charles, Australia Home Minister, UK Health Minister, Canadian Prime Minister and his wife were tested positive and recovered. Many Hollywood and Bollywood stars, singers, prominent Indian journalists, doctors and scientists have succumbed to this frightening virus.
As the US began its investigations, countries that were badly impacted due to the virus, including India, Japan, Australia, Italy, Sweden,
Germany, Middle Eastern countries and several South American countries will want to get to the bottom of this virus. There is a high expectation to learn the truth and the truth emerge even if it's downplayed.

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