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Provocative statements - Pakistan's Foreign Minister: Τhe Kashmiris are very determined in the Indian-''occupied'' Kashmir

Pakistan's Foreign Minister says his country is banking on the UN General Assembly to play its role to evolve a consensus that leads to a cease-fire, de-escalation and an end to atrocities in Palestine.

Regarding the US' veto power on the Security Council, Shah Mahmood Qureshi in an exclusive interview with Anadolu Agency said that public opinion, should veto the veto power and if public opinion changes, governments that exercise veto power, are compelled to revisit policies and are compelled to rethink.

Turkey’s Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu met his Pakistani counterpart in Ankara on Tuesday to discuss the situation in Palestine amid continual Israeli bombardment.

Qureshi will be attending an emergency session of the UN General Assembly on the issue of the latest Israeli assaults on Palestine on May 20. The president of the UN General Assembly said Tuesday that he is ready to convene a meeting to discuss the situation in East Jerusalem if requested by any member. 

AA: My last question is on Kashmir. Do you think the same success in Nagorno-Karabakh would be seen in Kashmir and how is it possible?

Qureshi: Like the Palestinians, the Kashmiris are very determined. They are fighters. They are very courageous, they have lived under tyranny for long but they haven't given up. They have been bombed, they have been attacked, their fundamental rights usurped, their lands taken away, their identity taken away, but they haven't given up like the Palestinians. They are fighting for self-determination. They are fighting against occupation. They are fighting to protect demographic restructuring. 

And there are a lot of similarities. In you know, the situation and the occupied Arab territories, Palestinian territories, so I am confident that they will succeed. It's a question of time. The alienation that I've seen today has never been there before. Now the measures taken by India on the fifth of August 2019, has alienated all sections of Kashmiri society. Like today, all Palestinians are joining hands. Palestinians living in Gaza, Palestinians living in the West Bank, Palestinians living in the mixed cities under Israeli control. They have asked for a general strike. What is this? There is a new consensus evolving. You know, people are standing up for themselves when they see no hope from different capitals of the world. They have taken it upon themselves to fight for the rights and they will succeed. I am confident.

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