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''Axis of evil'' - Pakistan-Turkey and China against Israel!

Vice President Fuat Oktay, People’s Republic of China Ankara Received ambassador Liu Shaobin.

During the meeting held at the Presidential Complex, Oktay reminded that China is a permanent member of the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) and stated that they expect the Palestinian people to take a stand on the issue against the inhumane treatment and lawlessness they are subjected to.

Oktay, China at the United Nations (UN) session Turkey invited to collaborate with.

Trade relations between the two countries

During the meeting, issues related to the procurement of the Kovid-19 vaccine, the investments of Chinese companies in Turkey, increasing Turkey’s exports to China, strengthening the transportation infrastructure, cooperation in energy and increasing the number of tourists were also discussed.

In the meeting, which was stated to have an important place between the west and the east with the “Asia Anew” initiative, Turkey and China carried out joint studies in other parts of the world such as Africa, the Middle East and China, and wished to increase economic and political cooperation.

At the meeting, which underlined that the most successful progress in the production-oriented studies carried out by Sinovac outside of China was experienced in Turkey, the supply of medical equipment related to the Kovid-19 outbreak was also discussed.

In the meeting, the meeting to be held on Friday under the coordination of Chinese businessmen and the Embassy of the People’s Republic of China in the Presidential Investment Office for Turkey-China relations was evaluated.

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