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Chinese newspaper suggests ‘long-range’ strikes on Australia

The editor of a Chinese newspaper says Beijing should consider launching long-range strikes on Australian military facilities if Canberra were to join a US-backed conflict in the Taiwan Strait. While the comments published at the weekend do not reflect the Chinese government’s official position, they are the latest sign of the intensifying hostilities between Canberra and Beijing that have alarmed diplomats and investors.

Hu Xijin, editor-in-chief of the ‘Global Times’, says China should consider air strikes on Australia if it were to back the US in a Taiwan conflict. Hu Xijin, the notoriously hawkish editor of the Global Times tabloid, published an editorial on Saturday calling on China to establish a plan for “retaliatory punishment” against Australia if it provided military support to Taiwan.

“The plan should include long-range strikes on the military facilities and relevant key facilities on Australian soil if it really sends its troops to China’s offshore areas and combats against the PLA [People’s Liberation Army],” Mr Hu wrote. “In addition to making the plan, China should also reveal this plan through non-official channels to deter the extreme forces of Australia and prevent them from taking the risk and committing irresponsible actions.”

Mr Hu did not specify what “air strikes” would entail, but noted that China had strong weapon-making capability, including in the production of “additional long-range missiles with conventional warheads”. While views expressed in the Global Times do not carry the same weight as Communist Party mouthpieces such as the People’s Daily, this is the first time China’s state-controlled media has mentioned military action against Australia. Mr Hu in April last year described Australia as “gum stuck to the bottom of China’s shoe”.

Taiwan’s Foreign Minister Joseph Wu told The Australian Financial Review last week that the island was preparing for a “final assault” by the Chinese Communist Party and called on Australia’s support. Hostilities with China are expected to escalate in coming weeks if the Morrison government scraps Chinese company Landbridge’s 99-year lease on the Port of Darwin. China on Thursday suspended a forum for regular high-level talks with Australia on economic issues.

Investors said on Sunday they were alarmed by talk out of Canberra of possible military action against China over Taiwan when there was no sign Beijing was preparing imminent action against the disputed island territory. Grant Wilson, head of Asia Pacific at macro advisory and data analytics firm Exante Data, wrote that mechanisms implemented in investment and trade treaties with China to protect Australian companies from discrimination also applied to Chinese firms and investors.

“There is some irony, then, that it may well be a Chinese investor in Australia, Landbridge, that will claim discrimination, in intent and effect, in respect of its lease of the Port of Darwin,” Mr Wilson wrote in an opinion piece for The Australian Financial Review. “That would take Australia and China into uncharted territory, and amplify the de-coupling that is already ominously underway.”

Mr Wilson also highlighted new Australian Bureau of Statistics data that showed Australian investment in China fell 25 per cent, from $85 billion at the end of 2019 to $64 billion in 2020. The decline was unprecedented and came as pension funds in other countries were increasing their exposure to China. “It suggests that Australian investors, in a clean break from the rest of the world, are embedding a sovereign risk premium for China.”

Mr Hu said his comments followed those by Australian officials hinting at the possibility that Canberra would assist the US military if a war broke out over Taiwan. He also blamed Australian media outlets for promoting that sentiment.

Defence Minister Peter Dutton said last month that conflict between China and Taiwan could not be discounted, while Home Affairs Secretary Michael Pezzullo warned the “drums of war were beating”. Former Australian foreign minister Gareth Evans said on Sunday that it was dangerous to talk up a potential conflict over Taiwan when it was not inevitable. He said there were no Chinese political or military preparations that suggested an invasion of Taiwan was imminent, and that China would not want a conflict anyway.

“Before pounding more rhetorical drums, and producing ever more strident legislative, executive, diplomatic and military responses, Australia’s Morrison government, and those in the commentariat who sail with it, need a reality check,” Mr Evans wrote in The Australian Financial Review. China’s Foreign Ministry did not comment on Australia at its daily press conference on Friday evening.

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