
Turkey transports bulgarian weapons to Syria - Erdogan and Borisov in "good business" with Kurdish-Syrian victims

A Bulgarian journalist found out that through diplomatic flights from Bulgaria to Turkey, tons of ammunition and weapons were transported to the Jihadist terrorists in Syria, with this issue being continuous from 2015 even to this day.

The scandal in neighboring Bulgaria over the involvement of ammunition transport through diplomatic flights to Syria has angered Russia as well as the West over Turkish games in the region.

The Sofia prosecutor's office had launched a preliminary investigation after the discovery of dozens of boxes of ammunition of Bulgarian origin in Aleppo, which were produced by a factory in Bulgaria.

According to the Bulgarian newspaper "Trud", the reason for the prosecutor's investigation was material sent by the Bulgarian correspondent of the newspaper Diehl Gaytandzhievoy from Syria.

The Bulgarian journalist had sent photos with the dozens of boxes of ammunition, produced in Bulgaria, causing a stir in the country, involving even the Prime Minister
Boyko Borisov.

Recall that three years ago Bulgarian-made 122mm missiles of the "Grad" system, which is the deadliest weapon of the jihadists, were discovered by Russian commandos in Syria.

Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova also adressed the issue. She herself had stated at the time that there were many questions for the Bulgarian side.

Essentially, however, the Bulgarian prosecutors "buried" the issue with the export licenses of a Bulgarian ammunition company to Turkey and from there to Syria, and we have not heard anything since.

Information in 2017 also involved senior Bulgarian officials who allegedly received large sums of cash for the sale of weapons through an intermediary, which today is revealed to be MIT.

We remind you that the trucks at the Turkish-Syrian border, discovered by the Turkish opposition newspaper Cumhuriyet, and accompanied by Turkish MIT agents, prove the involvement of the Turkish secret services, and now Bulgaria, in the transfers to the Islamic State.

Russian news agency (EADaily) investigations and details on the system of sale and delivery of Bulgarian weapons to Syria are confirmed by official data from the US and Turkey, as well as Bulgaria itself.

The circuit did not require any mediator, and the Bulgarian government is officially involved with the jihadists.

We are talking about ammunition such as artillery shells, grenade launchers, anti-tank missiles, bullets, which suddenly reached the hands of the jihadists.

So Borisov and Erdogan did their jobs in Syria, in good cooperation for that, and Bulgaria did not accept a wave of illegal immigrants last summer, and all the migrants were headed to Evros and our islands.

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