
Turkey acquired S-400s to protect its nuclear facilities from Israel, Israeli intelligence expert says

An Israeli expert revealed the the background of the purchase of Russian S-400 anti-aircraft missiles from Turkey, especially during the Turkish-Russian talks on the purchase of a second batch.


"Turkey needs S-400 anti-aircraft defense systems to protect future nuclear facilities from the Israeli Air Force, of course implying F-35 aircraft", said Yakov Kedmi, a former head of Israel's Nativ intelligence service.

"Washington 's return to a nuclear deal with Tehran is only welcome if it is in Israel' s interest, and it really postpones all Iranian efforts to build their own atomic bomb", he told Israel 's ITON.TV channel. The military-political expert, former head of the Israeli special service "Nativ" Yakov Kedmi.

The expert noted that "since May 2018, when Donald Trump withdrew the United States from the nuclear deal with Iran, after which the UAE and Saudi Arabia announced that they wanted to acquire their own nuclear weapons, their desires do not match their capabilities and that is good ".

At the same time, in September 2020, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan made a similar statement. However, unlike the Arab countries, Ankara has a real chance to gain such opportunities.



Kendmi said Turkey is currently negotiating with Pakistan, which has nuclear weapons and technologies for their production. In his opinion, it will be much more difficult to stop the Turks. Pakistani experts can help, in any case, and such a scenario can not be ruled out.

Turkey needs S-400 missiles to protect its future nuclear facilities from the Israeli Air Force, Kendmi said.

The expert stressed that if Ankara builds its own nuclear arsenal, then there is simply no better protection against these missiles. The Israeli expert then stressed that Turkey is much more equipped than Iran and that Israel can not deal with it alone, implying assistance from the United States.


Erdogan has never kept secret his desire to put Turkey in the club of countries with nuclear weapons. As he said months ago, "it is unacceptable for nuclear-weapon states to ban Ankara from acquiring its own nuclear weapons".

Foreign Western intelligence services report that there is currently a dynamic scientific exchange between the two countries (Turkey-Pakistan) with nuclear scientists secretly visiting the facilities in both countries.

According to a report, Erdogan has secretly ordered preparations for the construction of uranium enrichment sites to begin underground, and that Turkey had begun producing "Yellowcake", a material necessary for nuclear programs.

Greece and the countries of the Eastern Mediterranean and the Middle East will be able to jointly give a solution to this issue, which is the worst and most nightmarish scenario for our region.

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