Nuclear turkey

The "unholy" Chinese, Turkish, Pakistani and North Korean nuclear axis: A threat to three continents

A Nuclear threat from the existing unhealthy relationship between China, Turkey and Pakistan through a secret nuclear program, shadows the West's both regional and global security sectors, according to Indian government sources.

The same sources stress that what is required is strong sanctions by international organizations such as the UN and the IAEA, against Beijing, Ankara and Islamabad for their illegal activities in the nuclear weapons process.

Along with the Covid-19 crisis which is a threat to global security, the relationship between Turkey and Pakistan, countries in the field of nuclear weapons, raises the alarm and concerns deeply the global community.

Both China and North Korea are also involved in the illegal transfer of nuclear technology and are assisting Ankara and Islamabad.

We remind you that the role of Turkey (under President Recep Tayyip Erdogan) and Pakistan in promoting radicalism and providing shelter to terrorist groups is now a well-known fact. The two sides are engaged in similar activities to promote their respective narrower geopolitical goals.

"In all this we have the role of China, which is involved in promoting international terrorism. Thus, a natural question arises, how far has the Turkey-Pakistan-China axis gone in the illegal production of nuclear weapons, posing a threat to global and regional security.

Information from Indian defense institutes indicates the strong desire on the part of authoritarian President Erdogan to acquire nuclear warheads using dubious means", the Indian publication said.

The Erdogan regime believes that nuclear weapons will offer Turkey the opportunity to have a leading role in the Islamic world.

In this context, Turkey, after becoming a rogue state under Erdogan, began to align itself with Pakistan, which is known for promoting global terrorism, while participating in the illegal production of nuclear weapons.

Pakistan's search for nuclear weapons is a mission characterized by mischievous plans and is a perfect example of how a nation acquires clandestine nuclear weapons.

According to the SIPRI 2020 report, Pakistan has "160 nuclear warheads". This makes the security situation ominous for both South Asia and the world order. At the same time, jihadist extremists, terrorist groups and the military dominate Pakistan's domestic politics.

China and the North Korean's vital role

After China, however, North Korea also has a vital role in promoting Pakistan's uncontrolled nuclear weapons program.

The relationship between China and Pakistan has been stressed by various international non-proliferation bodies for some time. China has reportedly built five nuclear power plants in Pakistan, the last being the Chasma nuclear power plant.

The National Atomic Energy Agency of China has also been actively involved in Pakistan's covert nuclear weapons program, despite the fact that the IAEA was aware of it.

The secret link between China and Pakistan was revealed in February 2020, when the Indian Navy intercepted a Chinese-owned ship bound for Pakistan, which had material believed to be used for nuclear warheads.

A closer look at the behavior of the three countries (China, Pakistan and Turkey) reflects four key points that bring a sense of symmetry to their strategic behavior.

These are:

  1. Movements for the acquisition of nuclear weapons by bypassing existing international laws and treaties.
  2. Threat to use nuclear weapons in order to strengthen their bargaining power in the field of international politics.
  3. The political systems of all three countries are characterized by growing authoritarianism, while Beijing, Ankara and Islamabad threaten the security of neighboring countries.
  4. All three countries are directly or indirectly involved through interconnection in strengthening their nuclear capabilities, while China acts as the main protector of both Pakistan and Turkey for the supply of nuclear technologies.

Although Turkey is pursuing its nuclear program vigorously, citing the need for energy, its real intention is to acquire nuclear weapons that can strengthen its negotiating capabilities in both the Islamic world and the European Union.

In this context, and to strengthen his image, Erdogan resorted to acquiring nuclear weapons. The situation is similar in both Pakistan and China.

Both China and Pakistan are also working together to advance Turkey's plan to acquire nuclear weapons.

According to the Chinese official newspaper, People's Daily, China is involved in the construction of "four nuclear reactors". It can be emphasized here that if we look at both Chinese and Turkish behavior on the international theatre, there seems to be more than just a planned non-military nuclear cooperation.

It is also recalled that both China and Turkey have cooperation in the field of air defense in 2013 and 2016, while the two countries signed the "Sino-Turkish cooperation agreement for peaceful uses of nuclear energy".

The relationship between China, Turkey and North Korea now, in the promotion of nuclear weapons, was also highlighted by a recent report published by the German government in June 2020.

Radical in change in the geopolitics of West Asia and Eurasia

If Turkey acquires nuclear weapons, it could change the existing geopolitics and status quo of both West Asia and Eurasia. This is because, although Turkey currently maintains friendly relations with Iran, in the long run, it will clash with Tehran.

This is due to previously unpleasant relations between the two sides, as historically both the Ottoman and Persian empires were rivals. Likewise, Turkey is going to be a major challenge for the Arab world, which traditionally hates Ankara and its aspirations.

In the future, relations between Russia and China will also be at a very difficult level due to the growing illegal Chinese cooperation with Turkey in the field of nuclear weapons.

This is because relations between Ankara and Moscow are at the lowest levels in recent years. European countries are also very concerned about Turkey's obsession with nuclear weapons, as Ankara could use it against them.

The China-Pakistan-Turkey nuclear axis will have a deeper impact on the security of both the Indo-Pacific region and South Asia. Another ruthless North Korean state has been a similar threat to the planet for years.

After all this, the West must move quickly or it will face a Turkey with nuclear weapons, which seeks domination and power of the Ottoman times.

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