Πολεμικό Ναυτικό

Belharra: The French are open to building frigates in Greece

Serious progress has been made on the subject of the Belharra frigates purchase by the Greek Navy, as the discussions are continuing and it seems that we will have a positive sign. At the same time, however, we have a "wedge" of the USA, which does not want to be left out of the sales game.

According to information, just 24 hours ago, the General Manager of ΓΔΑΕΕ, Theodoros Lagios, met with the Vice President of International Aeronautical Strategies & Business Development, the company "LockheedMartinAeronauticsInternational", at the request of the latter.

At the meeting, according to the official announcement of ΓΔΑΕΕ, issues of common interest were discussed.

Recall that with Lockheed Martin are in progress the contracts of the P-3B Orion (s.s. their delivery has been delayed), the modernization of the F-16 in Viper (s.s. in progress), the offer of the Americans for the new Greek frigates while Greece has expressed its interest in buying 24 F-35s.
The moment when the American company requested an appointment with the General Director of ΓΔΑΕΕ, Theodoros Lagios can not be just by chance.

The meetings of the French high-ranking executives of the companies Naval Group, Thales and MBDA between the Greek and military leadership took place in a positive atmosphere yesterday morning. There was a mood of rapprochement and good understanding on both sides, and this is reflected in the course of the negotiations. Initially, the French visited the leadership of the Hellenic Armed Forces and then the French delegation accompanied by the French ambassador attended the office of the Minister of Defense Nikos Panagiotopoulos, according to defencereview.gr and Ioannis Nikitas.

At a technical level, it is a fact that the Hellenic Navy wants Belharra frigates if there are appropriate additions for the installation of RAM type CIWS as well as a sufficient missile load consisting of Aster 30 missiles to meet the constant operational requirement for air defense. as well as medium-range missiles, ie CAMMs in fours.

The French side submitted to the Ministry of Defense a basic proposal which can be modified with small interventions that will not boost costs. According to the author's exclusive information, the basic proposal concerns four Belharra frigates of French configuration, costing 2.8 billion euros. This is a basic package that can be configured individually.

The cost of weapons is a function of the choices of weapons systems of the Navy. It was also clarified that the RAM will be easily installed on the ships with a small increase in cost, while next week the MBDA will inform the Ministry of Defense about the costs and possible modulation options of the Belharra. Therefore, the above cost is unarmed.

Discussions between the Greek and French sides included the Medium Lifespan Modernization (EMZ) program of the four MEKO 200 HN frigates of the Navy. The French proposal of 400 million euros is proposed to be implemented by Thales and specifically by Thales Netherlands so that there are tried and reliable solutions without risk and additional costs.

Also, from the French side there was no reference to the issue of the "interim solution" despite what is rumored as it was stressed that it is the subject of negotiations not between the above companies and the Ministry of Defense but between the Greek and French governments. It was pointed out, however, that from the French side and especially of the Naval Group, there is the possibility to deliver to the Navy the Belharra frigate, which is already being built for the French Navy. This is an excellent move because the Navy is immediately requesting a ship and in fact as soon as possible.

The French are open and very positive about the construction of the Belharra in Greece with the transfer of know-how and the involvement of the Greek defense industry. The issue, of course, is that both the Skaramaga shipyards, which have not yet been resolved as the solution of Polytech Shipyards of the North Star group of the shipowner Theofilos Priovolos was rejected, and the Elefsina shipyards are in poor condition in terms of infrastructure and experienced technician.

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