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This changes everything for the Greek Navy: Belharra to be equiped with Scalp Naval missiles

The critical issue of the equipment of the French Frigates and the Athens-Paris negotiations is still open, and we have a new development that will shake the waters, enticing the Greek navy on the issue of multi-role Frigate, as it changes everything and promises strong deterrent force.

According to credible French defense journalistic sources, while asking the well-known questions to the French delegation in Athens, Admiral Pierre Vandier, Commander of the French Navy, confirmed his intention to equip the new IDF frigate with Cruise missiles, 8 Exocet MM40B3C surface-to-surface missiles, 16 Aster 15/30 anti-aircraft missiles, MU 90 torpedoes, 76mm turret and 20mm remote-controlled guns.

This translates into a change of probably all the plans for the Greek frigates as well, if Athens decides to proceed with the deal of course, while the modification costs are to be borne by the French side, reducing the purchase cost for the Greek navy.

Strategic missiles [MdCN] will give the Greek navy a tremendous advantage in targeting and threatening the Turkish hinterland, with long-range strikes on critical Turkish infrastructure, such as naval bases, camps, power plants.

This was exactly the beginning and the main request of the Greek navy. To "lock" the Aegean and to prevent Turkey's plans for a strong navy that will preserve the neo-Ottoman plan of the "Blue Homeland".

We must also not forget in any case that the Turks have built the ATMACA surface-to-surface missile with a range of 180-200 km, to which we must "respond" from an even greater distance in the Aegean and the Eastern Mediterranean.

The French proposal brought to us by Mrs. Parly, contains 2 frigates, with area air defense, that is, with the configuration of Belharra that has been built to the standards of the Greek Navy and two multi-role FDI frigates.

For many months now, Turkey has been implementing one of the most insidious and suspicious plans against Greece, since all the Turkish officials have said about every armament achievement that it is intended to.. defend the Blue Homeland, as a given requirement of Ankara.

Also the day before yesterday the same happened with the visit of the Greek Undersecretary of Defense in Gavdos, when the Turks were yawning about the violation of "EGAYDAAK", which concerns 154 islands and islets in the Aegean and the Eastern Mediterranean.

"There are islands, islets and rocks, whose sovereignty has not been transferred to Greece by any agreement. Unfortunately, our Greek neighbors are behaving extremely selfishly, interpreting the law as they see fit, and we must discuss this situation, the transfer of ownership through treaties, and that we must regain our rights. Our rights must be recognized," said Turkish Defense Minister Hulusi Akar.

Greece, owning French fighters and Cruise missiles, will not only end the appetite of the Turks, but will really threaten with total destruction these two expansionist plans of the Turks, which we must cancel in practice and not of course in negotiations with the neo-Ottoman Turks.

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