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Stefanos Karavidas to Pentapostagma: "Turkish pilots are afraid of us"

Retired squadron leader and flight instructor in the United Arab Emirates, Mr. Stefanos Karavidas. In an interview with Andreas Mountzouroulias and Pentapostagma, spoke about the purchase of the Rafale fighter jets, the Air Force and Turkey, while making special regards on how the UAE deals with immigration.

- Are Rafale fighters a power multiplier for the Greek Air Force?

The Rafale do not come to restore some balance, it still exists today, the Rafale come as a "game changer" to upset the balance in our favor. Rafale is not just a flying platform. They are a complete weapon system, which achieves a high level of interoperability between the sensors and its weapons. Rafale will function like "Sarissa" in the Macedonian phalanx. We will have the opportunity of the first blow in terms of air battle. They will be able to strike precision blows in the interior of Asia Minor. In short, Turkish aircraft will even be threatened by their presence.

- Are Turkish UAVs a danger for Greece?

This is the second time that the Turks wake us up. Immediately after Imia begun the largest armament program. The then Turk Chief of General Staff, stated that Imia was the biggest strategic mistake. With today's military reinforcement, we will be able to expand our territorial waters and exploit our natural wealth.

To have an economy, we must have both military power and vice versa. Even today there is a balance of power, both in numbers and in quality characteristics and in specific areas we excel. We can prevent an attack and hurt Turkey on its own territory. Exaggerations have been written about UAVs as well as missiles. Whoever dominates the air and this is done with the fighters, will dominate all the fields.

I met Turkish pilots up close many times in NATO exercises. What I have always done is talk to them to understand how they feel. They have a phobic syndrome and do not believe in what they are doing. No Greek is afraid, respectively the Turks are afraid of us. They are ordered to enter the Aegean and in no case do they feel comfortable. "If the" bag of Aeolus "is opened, we will prevail with an overwhelming difference.

- Why is the Hellenic Air Force superior?

We are fighting for altars and hearths. This is our homeland. We can not take a step back or to take time. It is a matter of wisdom and education. Training and professionalism. The Greek Pilot must be a "monk". He works as a scientist. Let the Greeks know that we respect the money they spend. There is a legacy from the past and it will continue.

It is no coincidence that every year Greek pilots come first in exercises. They love their homeland and will do anything to keep it free. They do not want to see it shrink and under certain conditions, they want to see it grow. We have occupied places in Cyprus, we have people who have not been protected by the Greek state.

- Are there many Pakistani pilots in the Turkish Air Force

Not valid, it is a journalistic exaggeration. It is a myth and it will lead us to rest. There are very few Pakistanis in the Turkish Air Force, that is the reality. Many Turks are in prison, there are problems with thinking. With us, the Turks have had and will have problems. We are one step ahead of them. In 2015 I was at the airport of Konya.

I talked to all levels. I saw fear in the eyes of the Turks in their relationship and lack of trust. I also saw admiration for us. Nobody looked at me wrong. There are major pathogens in Turkey. There are Crypto-Christians, Kurds, Alevis, white and black Turks. We must create a problem and undermine Turkey from within.

- Greece and the UAE have signed an important agreement - What does Abu Dhabi want from Athens?

The UAE is a country that is marketed as "middle power". The UAE in a conflict with Turkey will act, will support Greece. "We have a common operational and tactical place. They have F-16, Mirage, Apache, Patriot. The weapons of these systems are also common and can be" This state will not hesitate to help us. It is a monarchy that has excellent relations with its people. These people, if they consider it important for their country, will help. Erdogan is the number one danger to the Gulf countries due to relations with the Muslim Brotherhood.

The UAE is the only country that currently curses Turkey in all its fields of action. The UAE loves Greece. Our country has a good name. We must take advantage of it. Greece is a power of light in the Gulf. We must give them investment space. But at the same time we must look credible. There is a geopolitical axis that starts from France, passes through Greece and Cyprus, Egypt, Israel, Saudi Arabia, the UAE and ends in India. We have to put India in the "game". There is an intention from the UAE to buy Rafale fighters. So France, Greece, the UAE, Egypt and India will create a common business.

- How do the UAE deal with immigration?

Despite the fact that the Emirates are a population minority in their own country, they have managed with smart and patriotic policies to keep the lead in their homeland. Immigrants are "in this country under strict conditions and temporarily, while the dominant ethnic group is the indigenous. etc. The Emirates under the leadership of enlightened leaders, managed to create a model state in all areas.

The residence permit is valid for 2 years and is renewed only if the immigrant has shown good behavior. Therefore, if one works in the UAE for 30 years, one must have renewed the residence permit 15 times. The right to a pension is not granted by the State no matter how many years one works, since only the natives are entitled to a pension and allowances. Also, foreign children born in the country do not obtain UAE citizenship, but that of their parents.

- What is your message to the Greek people?

Every Greek must fight for the good of the homeland from every "cradle". Take off the party "blinders". We are self-luminous and not heterogeneous in order to be geopolitically and culturally identified from either the West or the East.


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