
Charles De Gaulle arrives in the East Med with order to engage if necessary

It is known that the French aircraft carrier "Charles de Gaulle" sailed from Toulon, on February 21, with its battle group aimed at the Clemenceau 21 mission, which has three targets.

A. The fight against terrorism in the Levant, as part of Operation Chammal.

B. The strengthening of partnerships and cooperation, especially with India and the presence in the so-called areas of interest such as the Mediterranean, the Persian Gulf and the Indian Ocean.

C. As far as the Mediterranean is concerned, the French naval staff recalls that it is a "strategic" area, as 25% of the world's sea currents pass through it.

"The demonstration of strength in the French battle team enables us to immediately develop a naval and air force for surveillance, autonomous assessment of the situation and intervention, in accordance with the operational needs and instructions of the Commander-in-Chief of the French Armed Forces," French media reported.

However, this "autonomous" ability of the French Armada to intervene also involves the participation of foreign warships, including the frigates Leopold Ier [Belgium], KANARIS [Greece] and Margoriti [Italy] as well as the USS Porter.

"It is clear that if the President of France decides to intervene, these warships will not participate, unless an agreement is reached with their respective governments," French sources say, indicating Paris' determination to intervene in the face of Turkish provocations amid the Blue Homeland military drills.

The battleship of the aircraft carrier De Gaulle is currently expected off the Italian coast to participate in the NATO anti-submarine exercise Dynamic Manta. This participation was decided at the last minute.

According to the allied administration [MARCOM], the Dynamic Manta exercise includes submarines from the naval forces of Greece, Turkey, Italy, and the USA, while French AFN Atlantic 2 will participate, as well as surface units of the aforementioned countries.

What is now understood is that the French are coming with "wild" attitudes towards the Turks in the South Aegean and the Mediterranean, intending not to accept any Turkish provocation, such as that of the summer of 2020 off the coast of Libya.

We remind you that a few months ago Turkey did not hesitate to resort to a highly aggressive action. Turkish warships illuminated the French frigate Courbet in the Eastern Mediterranean three times with their radars.

Courbet was on a NATO mission to check whether a Turkish ship, the Cirkin, was smuggling weapons into Libya as it deactivated its transponder, did not identify itself or indicate its final destination.

Now the French have already already received Macron's order not to tolerate any Turkish provocation of any kind that they may have information that Turkish forces will attempt as part of Erdogan's policy of neo-Ottoman domination in the Eastern Mediterranean region.

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