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"Drums of war" in the Aegean: The French are supporting Greece with an armada in the Eastern Mediterranean

It is very likely that the French know something and are now sending their fleet to the Aegean and Eastern Mediterranean, as the Turks are playing their well-known games again in an attempt to blackmail Athens with their irrational demands.

According to unconfirmed information, two fully equipped amphibious battle groups will probably be deployed in the near future in the Eastern Mediterranean near Crete.

One group includes the French aircraft carrier "Charles de Gaulle" and the other the helicopter carrier "Tonnere", which sailed on February 18 from Toulon.

The HYDRA frigate (F 452) will accompany the French aircraft carrier Charles de Gaulle, which will sail from Toulon next week, from the beginning of its mission, along with a Belgian frigate and an American destroyer.

At the same time, the Turkish Admiral e.a. Deniz Kutluk reportedly warns us that "Turkey in the Mediterranean and the Aegean will follow its own roadmap to be implemented.

He mentions the basic principles of the Turkish plan, stating that "the Mediterranean problem mainly concerns the eastern side of the Aegean (division due to the Blue Homeland) and the Cyprus problem, which can not be addressed individually but as a package of solutions.

If these two issues are not resolved, the Turkish road map cannot be implemented. Therefore, the solutions to both of these "problems" must be considered together.

Consequently, the solution for Cyprus is to implement a two-state structure, so that the Turkish state in the north can dominate the maritime areas beyond the north coast and the (new) Greek Cypriot state can control maritime areas beyond From the south coast following a peace agreement ”.

The Turkish Admiral (apparently the retired senior officer of the Turkish Defense Ministry has undertaken to provide solutions in the Aegean-Eastern Mediterranean), also stresses that according to the Bern Convention of 1976, Turkey has committed to work on the continental shelf of the Aegean sea.

"The oceanographic TCG Çeşme will complete its work in the sea areas with which our country is associated, based on Bern", he emphasizes.

Deniz Kutluk also stated that "the Greek Prime Minister has a habit of dealing with Greek-Turkish problems in ways that go beyond the capacity of the Greek state.

"His goal is to attract the attention of 'third parties' and ensure that the process is implemented in his favor by providing their assistance."

Here we have a new Turk e.a. Vice Admiral, who undertook to threaten us once again (like the previous ones) for the Turkish interests in the Aegean and the Eastern Mediterranean in order not to involve "third" forces, because it is in Ankara's interest at this stage.

It must be borne in mind that Turkey today pursues an active and rigid neo-Ottoman policy throughout the Aegean and Eastern Mediterranean region.

Many NATO allies dislike and oppose these very plans for their own self-interest.

The Turks are threatening not only Greece-Cyprus, but also Egypt, Israel, the USA, France in North Africa and the Mediterranean, and this is not going to change, which is why the developments in our region concern many, which is very positive in this urrent phase.

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