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Libya: Haftar & Saleh demand annulment of illegal Turkish-GNA "memorandum"

Libyan analysts and officials, such as the speaker of the House of Representatives, are now urging the Libyan interim government to withdraw all Turkish troops and jihadist forces from the country and to cancel all agreements, including the Turkish one.

The Speaker of the House of Representatives was concerned about the statements made by the Prime Minister of Libya, as the Pentagon first revealed that Abdul Hamid Dibeba, who will lead the country to elections on December 24, said that "Turkey is a real ally and partner! ''

It is recalled that a Libyan court has annulled the Turkish-Libyan memorandum with its decision a few days ago in a move that finds all parties in agreement.

Libyan political analyst Radwan Al-Fitouri said the new interim government in Libya should make its decision publicly on the agreements signed between the outgoing National Accord (GNA) government and the Turkish government as soon as it is formed, approved by the House of Representatives (HoR).

In a statement, al-Fituri confirmed that "everyone knows that these agreements are invalid, illegal, unconstitutional and are not recognized internationally or locally, and have been signed unilaterally."

He stressed that the new interim government must state its position on these agreements and cancel the Turkish presence in western Libya immediately.

Recall that on Friday, Libyan rival political groups agreed to form an interim government after five days of talks in Geneva.

Mohammed Younes Al-Menfi was elected Chairman of the Presidential Council and Dbeibeh was elected Prime Minister.

"My government will work for the consolidation of peace in Libya and for the resolution of the great problems facing the country," Dbeibeh added.

He also said that the election of an interim government in Libya by the Libyan Political Dialogue Forum (LPDF) "will serve the future of Libya and its people".

"The 74-member forum consists of members representing all regions of Libya. "It represents all the geographical areas, tribes and all sections of the Libyan people," he said.

The Speaker of the House of Representatives (parliament) based in Tobruk, Aguila Saleh, says that the foreign military presence in Libya will end soon. Let's not forget that Saleh has an excellent relationship with Haftar, as they work together at all levels.

According to a report on the parliament's website, "[Saleh] only wanted the withdrawal of foreign forces, which will take place in the near future, as well as the distribution of dominant positions of power from all parts of Libya."

Saleh returned to Libya from Cairo on Sunday, and met with fellow lawmakers, members of the Libyan National Army (LNA) at the airport.

According to a statement, Saleh said on arrival that the new Libyan government should be given a chance.

It was also agreed that the date of the national elections on a constitutional basis should be December 24, 2021, 70 years after the Declaration of Independence of Libya.

But on Saturday, Yasin Aktay, an adviser to Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, said that Turkey's agreements with the government of the Libyan National Accord (GNA) and the Turkish military presence in Libya would not be affected by the re-election.

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