
Germany supports Turkey's aggressive aspirations against Greece-Cyprus, Kurds say

It is time for our politicians here in Greece to listen loud and clear to the Kurds of the PKK and the YPG, but also to those in Germany, who shout that Berlin finances and helps in every way Erdogan's neo-Ottoman campaigns in our region, including the Aegean and the Eastern Mediterranean.

"A war that Germany tolerates and finances is against the Kurds. No, we will not be complicit in the war and fascism", Kurdish organizations said of a meeting of Turkish and German defense ministers in Berlin.

Turkish Defense Minister Hulusi Akar is expected to arrive in Berlin on Tuesday for a working meeting with German Defense Minister Angret Krab-Karenbauer (CDU).

Essentially, however, these are new plans against the Kurds, Greece and Cyprus.

The recent Greek-Turkish consultations, which were a formal meeting on the gas dispute between Greece and Turkey in the eastern Mediterranean, have been the subject of talks between the German Foreign Ministry and its Cypriot and Greek counterparts, with Turkey now taking over.

The presence of Hulusi Akar on German soil concerns his exclusive meeting with Kramp-Karrenbauer with the main topic only in Greece, just two weeks after his return from Southern Kurdistan (Northern Iraq).

Especially in view of Erdogan's threats to launch another invasion against northeastern Syria, but also against Iraq. Akar had traveled first to Baghdad and then to Erbil earlier last week.

The main topic of his talks with local officials was the "joint action to fight terrorism", ie military operations against the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) and the self-governing structures in Sinjar.

Kurdish organizations in Germany are calling for immediate action during a meeting between the two defense ministers in Berlin.

Their statement added: "The Turkish government has proudly announced its plan to invade northern Syria and Iraq. The war and the occupation of Rojava continue, with women being abducted, enslaved and killed in Afrin every day.

Also, the wounds of the invasion of Serekaniye have not closed yet and the Turkish state is already planning the next attack against the population in Northeastern Syria and Iraq.

On Tuesday, February 2, 2021, Turkish Defense Minister Hulusi Akar will meet with his colleague Annegret Krab Karenbauer (German Minister of Defense).

We state explicitly and unequivocally that if at this time representatives of a fascist state are invited to Germany to discuss the continuation of the war in the Middle East, then they must know that we will never accept that.

Solidarity means resistance! As Kurdish forces it is in our hands not only to defend our fighters in Rojava and Shengal, but also to fight the complicity of the German federal government that supports war and fascism!

As anti-fascists we have a responsibility and we must respond to it! We do not support or tolerate wars against people, and everyone should know that we will start with the CDU and the AKP.

We therefore call on all international organizations to join us.

On Tuesday, February 2, let us unite our anger against the German federal government and the German-Turkish "friendship" that allows deadly wars, hard deportations and an era of jihadist presence.

This is a war that is tolerated and financed by Germany. But not with us, that is why we will not become accomplices in the war and fascism!”, the announcement concludes.

Germany will deliver 6 modern type-214 submarines to Turkey, while we are waiting for other defense programs, which Berlin is not going to cancel.

On the contrary, the Turkish-German friendship and alliance has ignited and now targets the Aegean and the Eastern Mediterranean with Cyprus.

Athenswith Nicosia, must advance this axis, which is complemented by Rome and Madrid, strengthening the alliance with France and expanding cooperation with the United States as soon as possible, because the Turks, as everything shows, are in a hurry.

Edited by Evangelos D. Kokkinos

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