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How to kill Democracy, Greek-style

The only thing that we can be reasonably certain about the result of the Greek elections on 25 June is that it will be an attack on democracy, ironic for the country that invented the term. This is because the party winning the largest number of seats will gain an extra fifty. Thus should, for example, New Democracy win with 101 out of the 300 seats, she will be awarded 151, thus obtaining a majority. And if the turnout is 60%, that means that around 18% of the electorate will represent the country.

It is easy to be cynical: whatever the result, it makes little difference, as the Greeks seem to have given up wishing to be independent, unlike, for example Hungary. They prefer to trust the US and its acolyte enabler, Britain, both countries which has been proven to cock a snook at international law and the United Nations, as the case of Cyprus, Serbia, Libya demonstrate.

If the Greek electorate really cared for its children, and wished to avoid the danger of another US-inspired totalitarian takeover, and their taxes going towards buying American weapons, and killing Russians, a new party/movement is the best way of avoiding this, one that acts with tact and patience, looking at the medium- and long-term. And the 50-seat law should be thrown into the dustbin. A coalition of the smaller parties must be formed. Take the Netherlands and Germany, which always have coalition governments. In the Netherlands, coalition negotiations following elections have been known to last for six months, while the country’s civil servants continue to run the show, a sure sign of a stable body politic.

Unfortunately for Greece, political interference in what is theoretically a dispassionate ideology-free state, along with clientelism and nepotism, render this difficult. But one has to start somewhere. The Greek electorate needs to seek out those smaller parties that are prepared to work with each other, without childish mind-numbing ideologies, and slowly the body politic will become less perverted and more democratically Greek. Of the smaller parties, I have to say that Lafazanis’ seems to be far less clientelistic than many. He at least speaks his mind without fear.

Will Greeks regain their self-respect? Will ‘Old Democracy’ happen?

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